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Write a focused literature review on your proposed topic. The topic is Relationship/link between
eating disorders (adult psychopathology) and exposure to childhood sexual assault (trauma).
Pages 15 (review):
Introduce the topic you are researching
Your thesis statement should include taking a clear stand on either the validity or lacking validity for a
diagnosis or research, then devote your paper to arguing your thesis.
Describe (EACH) four studies which are peerreviewed empirical papers (NOT reviews or book chapters
or dissertations)
Include participants, method, author’s research question, findings and brief conclusions
At least two must be a quantitative article
EACH) Directly explain how each study you describe supports your hypothesis, i.e., what does it all
Describe one study which counter your hypothesis
Explain how you might account for (e.g., explain away) this study which challenges your hypothesis
Provide a synthesis paragraph
Provide a paragraph on limitations/future directions and conclusions (must be separate from synthesis
Pages 67 (critique)
Critique should include:
Discussion of weaknesses in current literature (according to what you’ve reviewed).
Weaknesses may be with respect to participants/recruitment, methods, authors’ biases/assumptions,
gaps in the literature, but discussed in light of the thesis you’re using to unify your paper.
Suggestions for improvement of the current literature (Alternative method, your better explanation for
their findings, more research in a given area)
Implications of the current research and gaps in research (Public health/public policy, therapy,
screening, allocation of resources).
Conclusion/summary: Some acknowledgement of limitations of your review (e.g., not comprehensive
in some way.)
Summary statement which incorporates a judgment on your thesis (supported/more evidence needed
to clarify, etc).
Formatted in APA 6th edition