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General Advice for the science assignments
• You should certainly read through the whole assignment before starting to answer.
• Note the wording of assignment, in particular the action verbs and ensure that you answer the question asked and not the one that you think should have been asked!
• These are science modules, hence your answers should be scientific in tone;
• Where required, present arguments that are logical and contain statements which are supported by scientific information expressed in the correct scientific terminology;
• Your tutor will not look favourably on over-generalised discursive writing that fails to address the points at issue;
• For most written answers, credit will be given for the overall ‘quality’ of the writing – for clarity, structure and appropriate style – as well as for the content
Your answer must include Module Learning Outcomes and Key Skills
The following Learning Outcomes and Key Skills will be assessed:
• Evaluate Government policies to aid recycling in the United Kingdom
• Demonstrate an understanding of the statutory requirements of WDAs, WCAs, WRAs
• Recognise the size, nature and structure of the United Kingdom’s recycling industry
• Assess the economic viability and environmental benefits of waste recycling, sorting organisation
• Review technological developments in waste sorting systems and processing
• Construct and assess the strengths and validity of an argument
• Use professional standards of design, layout, style and presentation
Presentation of the assignment
• Present answers in clear UK English with a good standard of grammar.
• When answering questions requiring calculations and data presentation, remember to:
– present your answer clearly;
– include all steps in a calculation;
– use SI units;
– give your answers to an appropriate number of significant figures;
– give all graphs, tables and diagrams a title;
– clearly label axes on graphs.
• It is essential that all work that is not your own is referenced (see Plagiarism below)
• The Study Skills Guide details an acceptable method of referencing.
• Where reference is made to legislation, guidelines and principles, state the full name and date.
• All texts should be referenced using the Harvard System.
• Cite academic journals, textbooks and UK Government-reports in preference to web-pages.
• Assignments which are poorly referenced or overuse web-based only sources of information will be penalised.
The assignment
Instructions to candidates:
Use a range of published material (appropriately referenced) to support your answers
1. Critically assess economic approaches for determining optimal recycling levels in EU member states, discussing so-called “economic instruments” as an alternative means of achieving recycling targets.
Your answer must reflect the Module Learning Outcomes and Key Skills as explained in previous page, should have self-explanatory graphs and tables which are clearly marked and labelled.