Psychology & Cognition

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Word lіmit: 2000 words. The abstraсt and reference list are NOT included in the word limit. In-text referencing, sub-headings, and table/figure information and caрtions ARE included in the word limit.
Sections to be included in the assignment.
Abstract < 200 words
Introduction ~800 words
Results ~400 words
Discussion ~800 words
*Note that students are NOT to include a method section in their assignment submission. The method section has been provided on blackboard within ‘Assignment’ section in a file called ‘assignment method section’.
*Also note that the number-of-words guidelines shown above are guidelines only.
Assignment background, and expectations
The lab report constitutes a replication and extension of Rogers and Fay (2016). A brief description of the method and main findings of this research was provided during lecture 1, part 1. The purpose of the PSY3304 study is to replicate the main findings, and to extend by investigating how/if two different factors (age, and need for cognition) associate with the propensity to stick with one’s own description when choosing a description to send to the audience. The introduction of the assignment is therefore expected to be focused upon justifying the precise hypotheses regarding the direction of the expected relationship between description choice with both age, and need for cognition.
There should be 5 hypotheses in total as discussed during lecture 1, week 1. Specifically, there are three hypotheses regarding the replication attempt of Rogers and Fay (2016), and there are two hypotheses regarding the extension upon the Rogers and Fay (2016) study.- I have provided lecture 1 slides.
The results section should provide statistics that can be used to answer all the hypotheses. Descriptive statistics (means and standard deviations) for all variables of interest should be reported (preferably in a table). A paired-samples t-test should be used to compare appraisal of personal descriptions versus appraisal of the audience descriptions. Finally, correlations between variables should be reported (preferably in a table) as this will answer the extension hypotheses. Remember that a results section should contain text to complement what gets provided in tables. The results should be described in a way that makes the findings clear to the reader. See statistics document posted in the assignment folder for some resources on statistics relevant to this assignment.
The discussion section should re-state what was expected and explain to the reader if the findings support or do not support what was predicted. As much as possible, the findings should be explained in the context of the research literature. In this assignment students are encouraged to also consider limitations and future research ideas to include as this will help to show evidence of critical thinking that the markers will be looking for.

The data

The data file is available within blackboard assignment section as both an excel file and an spss file.I have provided excel file
The variables in those files are as follows:
– Gender (0 = Female, 1 = Male)
– Age
– Prop_Self Proportion (%) of trials where the choice was made to send personal description to Person X. This variable could theoretically range from 0% to 100%.
– Appr_Self Appraisal of clarity for personal descriptions. This is a composite variable created from averaging across all appraisals for all 20 personal descriptions.
Descriptions were appraised as (1) Extremely unlikely (2) Very unlikely (3) Somewhat unlikely (4) Somewhat likely (5) Very likely (6) Extremely likely. Therefore, this variable could theoretically range from 1 to 6.
– Appr_PersonX Appraisal of clarity for person X descriptions. This is a composite variable created from averaging across all appraisals for all 20 person X descriptions. Descriptions were appraised as (1) Extremely unlikely (2) Very unlikely (3) Somewhat unlikely (4) Somewhat likely (5) Very likely (6) Extremely likely. Therefore, this variable could theoretically range from 1 to 6.
– Appr_Self_min_PersonX Appraisal of person X descriptions subtracted from appraisal of personal descriptions. This variable could theoretically range from +5 to -5. A positive score indicates that overall a person rated their personal descriptions as clearer than the person X descriptions, and a negative score indicates that overall a person rated their personal descriptions as less clear than the person X descriptions.
– NFC Need for Cognition. This is a composite variable created from averaging across all 18 Need for Cognition items. This was done after reverse scoring the negative items in the scale. Items were rated on a scale (1) Strongly disagree (2) Moderately disagree (3) Slightly agree (4) Neither agree no disagree (5) Slightly agree (6) Moderately agree (7) Strongly agree. An overall measure was obtained by averaging across all items, where a higher score indicates a greater need for cognition. This measure could theoretically range from 1 to 7.
Screening and assumption testing
Screening for outliers and checking assumptions for the inferential statistical tests is not expected for this assignment

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