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This is Communication class. The assignment requirement is to discuss â Pharmacy career Image. What messages do you think the images communicate about Pharmacy profession? How accurate are the messages?â. All the requirements and detail instructions are in the file uploaded. Please follow the instructions carefully The paper should be written in short sentences as well as satisfying writing standards of paragraph lengths. Also, English is my second language, so the writer must use simple words to reflect that on the paper. US English language. minimum sources are 3, and no maximum as long as you answer all the part of the report . The references should be articles not books. Use 12 pts Times new roman font and lines single space. Must reference information sources used in writing of essay including pictures and graphs. References should be cited using the style of the American Medical Association (AMA). Add at least one chart and graph to illustrate the data and Add at least one visual but the are not a part of the page limit