World Wars 1&2

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For this assignment you will view 3 propaganda films/cartoons. One is an American cartoon made to try and educate Americans about a how a Nazi was “created” in Germany; this is a banned cartoon today and not shown.
The second is a Soviet war era cartoon trying to explain what Hitler wanted to do to the Soviet Union and exhort its people to respond.
Finally, the third video is considered one of the greatest propaganda films ever produced; it is the classic Leni Riefenstahl film “Triumph of the Will.” This movie was made by the famed female producer to help sell Adolf Hitler and his ideas to Germans — it was made PRIOR to World War II or even the creation of the death camps so keep that in mind. The cinematography is outstanding and the film is visually stunning; it also includes Hitler speeches. The film is dubbed with English subtitles so that you can understand it. Please watch all 3 films and then respond to the questions numbering the answers.
1. What is your reaction to the US cartoon? How does it show stereotypes of the enemy? Would this film have roused you to fight the enemy at the time?
2. What is your reaction to the Soviet cartoon? How are Hitler and the Germans portrayed? Again if you were a Soviet citizen would this have inspired you?
3. What is your immediate reaction after watching “Triumph of the Will”? What scenes/shots most stand out in your mind? Why?
4. What was your response to Hitler’s speeches? Which one most caught your attention?
5. Which of the 3 films/cartoons most illicited a response from you and why? Which techniques were most effective? Keep in mind that ALL governments use propaganda to sell wars/ideas/issues to the public — some are negative some are inspiring.
6. Since 2002 the U.S. has been fighting 2 wars plus international terrorism, what kinds of propaganda has been used to generate

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