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Religion & Theology
Research Essay
Compare Jewish and Christian interpretations of the Binding of Isaac in Gen 22. Critically reflect upon whether the biblical story and these interpretations have a continuing significance today.
This assignment is first and foremost a study of the biblical text, so your essay must show evidence of a thorough reading of the relevant biblical text(s), enriched by a study of up-to-date writers (including good commentaries and journal articles) on the topic. It must also show evidence of substantial and appropriate reading on the topic, and a good grasp of the issues, plus the ability to discuss the issues in your own voice.
This research assignment is designed to enable you to express in your own voice a competent discussion of the issues involved in a given biblical text and its interpretations. It also enables you to present arguments that demonstrate your engagement with a) the primary text, b) scholarly opinions and c) your own personal reflection
Learning outcomes assessed:
- articulate a general knowledge of the contents of the Bible and a more comprehensive understanding of a selection of biblical books from both the Old and New Testaments
- locate and analyse information relating to the historical, geographical and social contexts of the world that gave rise to the biblical texts, using a variety of sources, including online databases
- describe different approaches to biblical interpretation using a variety of methods such as narrative, hermeneutical, exegetical, historical-critical and socio-literary
- think critically and ask penetrating questions, both of the biblical text and of their own interpretations
- articulate a personal response to the text and test its contemporary relevance, personally, socially and religiously
introduction minimum 300 words
body – 2000 words
conclusion – 200
– at least 1 Jewish and 1 Christian interpretation
– compare and contrast2 different ways of looking at the narrative
– Which one has the better side of the argument, are both? you make the decision and explain why with evidence
– have other interpretations existed in time?
– you can look at modern interpretations as well as past interpretations
– if you choose 1 old testament example and 1 new testament example do not say one is better!!!!
– why is something being presented the way it is
– why choices are being made and what elements are feeding into it
– engage with the scholars literature
– 1 jewish and 1 christian interpretation – minimum
– various interpretations not just one
– example of what you can look up in google scholar search bar:
binding os isaac Judaism
– use your own questions as a guide and bring up points don;t just repeat what the source is saying.
– 6 sources must use! you can use the textbook as one source
– do the comparison and then talk about how it is significant today
– how it interfaces with culture today
when looking at an article make sure to formulate questions:
– question to God
– question to Abraham
– question to Isaac