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Assignment (essay details):
Public Health Promotion Project (maximum 2000 words)
Word Count: maximum 2000(excluding End-text References List)
Topic: Public Health Project Plan: Health Promotion
Assignment Criteria: Choose a modifiable risk factor for chronic disease (for example COPD- risk factor of smoking)
Prepare a detailed and innovative health promotion project plan for your chosen modifiable risk factor for an Australian community (Indigenous or non-Indigenous). This needs to be your innovative idea, not reused from a current or past health promotion project.
This should be in the form of one of the following:
- Education on modifiable risk factor awareness and/or prevention
- Modifiable risk factor /chronic condition symptom management
Your health promotion should include:
- A specific target group and community(choose- that contributes to making your health promotion innovative)
- A brief outline of why this public health promotion is beneficial for the Australian population– how you anticipate it will improve health outcomes for the chosen community
- What your goals and aims for your health promotion are(review the SMART mnemonic on page 215 of Fleming & Parker 3E)
- You should identify which of the Public Health promotion management perspectivesthis falls into (primary, secondary or tertiary- see page 316 Fleming & Parker 3E)
- Outline the additional stakeholders, and community consultationwhich should take place- who this will need to include
- A specific original health message/ logo that youhave developed to suit your health promotion (for example: If you can play you can play)
- An outline of what the health promotion activity will entail and how youwill promote this to the target group (newspaper, sports event, school visit, radio- what will work for your target audience)
- An outline of how you plan to evaluate the success of your health promotion
Note: **This is not medical surgical nursing- it is health promotion aimed at the community level- so please do not focus on pathophysiology.
Any health statistics used for your assignment can be based on the overall Australian population (You may not find data for a specific suburb).
Presentation: Essay format, font 12pt either calibri or arial preferred. 1.5 spacing. – use the writing template file provided. Headings are okay to use. No tables, point form or diagrams please. Use third person (no I or me) in academic writing and write as if this is something you intend to do (i.e.: The health promotion aims to….)
References: Reference list at end of document using APA 6th style, at least 12 references (dated past 5 years) research articles (reference does not contribute to word count).