1. Conduct a structured interview using the following interview questions. Describe the essence of the interview. In other words, summarise the interview within 500 words.
You can conduct your interview in any way you can (email, telephone, in person). Include age and gender, if known, of your participant.
In this type of small scale in-class research projects in research methods courses, students are exempt from obtaining a permission from an institutional ethical review board. You should, however, always consider ethical obligations as a researcher (e.g., an interviewee must be anonymous).
Questions (Modified from Valente, 2005. They were cited in Merriam & Tisdell, 2016, p,126).
a) Where do you find information about your health?
b) Whom do you talk to about your health?
c) Tell me about your current interactions with your health care provider?
d) Tell me about what you do to keep track of your health?
e) What kind of challenges (barriers) do you experience when managing your health care?
f) What else would you like to share about your health-related issues?
2. Read “What If Age Is Noting But a Mind-Set?” and answer the following questions:
a) How many groups were in Lanager’s Nursing Home study?
b) What did the Nursing Home Study find?
c) What did Langer measure before and after the experiment in her Counterclockwise Study?
d) What did her Counterclockwise Study find?
e) How many groups were in her Hair-Salon Study (2010)?
f) What did her Hair-Salon Study find?
g) How many groups were in her Hotel Chambermaids Study?
h) What did the Hotel Chambermaids Study find?
i) What were the dependent variables in her Special Clock Study (using half-speed and doublespeed clocks)?
j) Name one of her studies, other than the Counterclockwise Study, that used deception.
k) What has Langer’s studies been trying to prove?