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Task 1: Identify the DNA sequence of your accession number NM_018471 Copy paste sequence onto Ape and identify the protein coding region (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/)
Task 2: Optimise the above sequence for expression in yeast using the online codon optimization tool (https://sg.idtdna.com/CodonOpt). Copy and paste the sequence in the report.
Task 3: Compare the codon optimized DNA sequence for expression in yeast with the original human DNA sequence using the program APE. Take a screenshot of the alignment of the two sequences and paste in the report (https://www.take-a-screenshot.org).
Task 4: Translate the optimised DNA sequence into protein sequence using the program APE. Compare the resulting protein sequence with the original human protein sequence using Expasy (https://web.expasy.org/sim/).
Take a screenshot of the alignment of the two sequences and paste in the report.
Task 5: Report the final, optimised DNA sequence containing the codons for a hexa- histidine tag at the 5’ end of the sequence (thus, N-termial hexa-histidine tag). Note that the final DNA sequence also requires a start codon and a stop codon.
Complete each task above.