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- Review information found on the following website related to hospital compare http://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Quality-Initiatives-Patient-Assessment-Instruments/HospitalQualityInits/HospitalCompare.html
- Read the information carefully and then locate the following website. http://www.medicare.gov/hospitalcompare
- Search for hospitals within a 50 mile radius of the community where you are working or had your prelicensure clinical experiences (Miami). Type in your zip code (33126). Select your hospital and two others. Select hospitals/facilities and choose compare. If you live in a remote area and there are no hospitals listed within a 50 mile radius, select a zip code for a family member or a close friend who does not live near you. The idea is to review comparative data.
- Click on the following topics to learn more.
- Survey of patient’s experiences
- Timely and effective care (focus your search on two of the conditions that apply to services provided at the hospitals)
- Readmissions, complications, and deaths
- Carefully read the information provided.
- Develop a paper consisting of 8 to 10 headlines. Include the following, keeping in mind what all this data means.
- Title with information pertinent to the course.
- List reasons to recommend hospital compare to consumers (patients).
- List reasons to recommend hospital compare to staff who may seek employment.
For d., e., and f. (below), slides are clearly labeled as Hospital A, B or C.
- Summarize patient experiences data for each hospital.
- Summarize timely and effective care data for two conditions.
- Summarize data for readmissions or complications and deaths.
- List recommendations for improving data for one selected facility.
- Summarize what you learned from this experience.
Headline 1
- Bullet point 1
- Bullet point 2
- Bullet point 3
- Bullet point 4
- Bullet point 5
Headline 2
- Bullet point 1
- Bullet point 2
- Bullet point 3
- Bullet point 4
- Bullet point 5
Headline 3
- Bullet point 1
- Bullet point 2
- Bullet point 3
- Bullet point 4
- Bullet point 5
And so on….
Grading Criteria: Performance Measurement
Category | Points | % | Description |
Title | 10 | 10% | contains pertinent information related to assignment, course, student, date, and faculty member. |
Reasons to recommend hospital compare to patients | 20 | 20% | Format of reasons is logical, easy to read, and specific. |
Reasons to recommend hospital compare to staff | 30 | 20% | Format of reasons is logical, easy to read, and specific. |
Summarize data related to patient experiences | 30 | 30% | Three hospitals are labeled A, B, and C and data related to patient experiences is displayed. |
Summarize data related to timely and effective care | 30 | 30% | Three hospitals are labeled A, B, and C. Two different conditions are named and applied to hospitals A, B, and C. |
Summarize data related to readmissions, complications, and deaths | 30 | 30% | Three hospitals are labeled A, B, and C. Data related to readmissions, complications, and deaths are appropriately displayed. |
Recommendations for improving data for one facility | 20 | 20% | Either hospital A, B, or C is specified, or recommendations for improving data are appropriately displayed. |
Summary of learning related to this assignment | 20 | 20% | Learning about completing this assignment is stated. Summary of learning is displayed with lists, bulleted items, or other creative ways. |
Scholarly writing and formatting | 10 | 10% | Headline are provided and labeled appropriately.
Punctuation and sentence structure are correct. There is evidence of spell and grammar check. |
Total | 200 points | 100% | A quality assignment will meet or exceed all of the above requirements. |