Gеnеral Baсkgrоund 1. The Mіssion Viejo Mediсal Center (in the city of Mission Viejo, California) comprises two geographically adjacent institutions: a. Mission Hospital Regional Medical Center: Mission Hospital Regional Medical Center https://www.mission4health.com/ and b. Children’s Hospital at Mission (CHM): Children’s Hospital at Mission (CHM) https://www.mission4health.com/affiliations/chocchildrensatmission.html 2. The two hospitals serve within less than a 10mile radius the populations of the following nine municipalities: Aliso Viejo, Ladera Ranch, Laguna Hills, Laguna Niguel, Laguna Woods, Lake Forest, Mission Viejo, Rancho Santa Margarita, and San Juan Capistrano. 3. Retirement Communities: a. The city of Laguna Woods (https://www.lagunawoodscity.org/), is home to “Leisure World” (https://www.lagunawoodsvillage.com/), a retirement community of over 23,000 senior (55 years and above) residents. b. The city of Mission Viejo is home to “Casta Del Sol,” a retirement community of more than 3,000 senior (55 years and above) residents. 4. Following the example and success of integrating a special CHOC children’s hospital within the Mission Viejo Hospital, it is suggested for the purpose of this assignment, that an additional new hospital wing be built, catering to the special needs of the senior population, to be named: “Golden Age Hospital (GAH)”. 1 – Assignment Market Research and Segmentation 4 pages 1. The External Environment Data Gathering a. Search the Web and gather relevant general information regarding hospitals for seniors and direct data pertaining to the external environment of the proposed GAH b. The proposed points below are just “starter points” for you to expound upon and add to as you see fit. c. Common medical conditions of seniors: i. Overall health status ii. Unique illnesses iii. Other d. Medical institutions for seniors: i. Types of institutions and clinics serving seniors (their size per population served) ii. Types of special services provided for seniors and catering to their needs. iii. Lengthofstay of seniors at various hospitals. iv. Other e. Local (Mission Viejo area) City demographics: i. Can be obtained from but not limited to: https://www.citydata.com/ ii. Input the nine municipalities (one by one) in the search box. iii. Scroll through the various data sets, and glean the relevant information: Population, Gender, Age, Household income, Race, Other. iv. Consolidate all nine city data sets into one table, total where appropriate 2. Based on the data gathered and the general picture you have obtained, we will now focus on direct market research and segmentation of the senior community in the Mission Viejo area. 3. In order to do so, you will need to define/address the following points: a. Who are your target market subjects? b. Where are they located? c. What special needs do they require? d. What special medical/health services do they wish to get?
e. What type of physician specialization would they like to have? f. Locations: Do they prefer a single medical center (MC) hospital location, or do they prefer a medical center (MC) hospital and a community clinic (CC)? g. Other. 4. Survey Questionnaire: a. Complete the following proposed survey table – column A, that you plan to use in order to obtain the preferences and perceptions of the seniors of your target segment, assume n=500. (Fill out the attached table for the GAH Project ) b. The instructor of this course will comment on your table and fill out column B (the average response score of the 500 subjects) in his feedback to you, on the basis of which you will be able to further develop your project plan. Page 5 Based on you the above paper, please post an Executive Summary (see guidelinesbelow), in NOT more than 200 words. Guidelines for Executive Summary • An executive summary is a report, proposal, or portfolio, etc. in miniature (usually one page or shorter in our case not to exceed 200 words). • That is, the executive summary contains enough information for the readers to become acquainted with the full document without reading it. Usually, it contains a statement of the problem, some background information, a description of any alternatives, and the major conclusions. • Someone reading an executive summary should get a good idea of main points of the document without becoming bogged down with details. An executive summary is a highly condensed version of the most important information the full document contains. • When writing your executive summary, ask yourself if those who read the summary will be those who will read the entire report. If you are dealing with two different groups of people, you will have to decide how much technical detail to include in the summary. • In our case, your Instructor will serve as the executive, who wishes to be kept informed on what is going on in the company and in the project, and will say “yes” or “no” to the continuation of the project. • Since the executive summary is a condensation, when creating it, you omit any preliminaries, details, and illustrative examples. You do include the main ideas, the facts, the necessary background to understand the problem, the alternatives, and the major conclusions. Brevity and conciseness are the keys to a wellwritten summary. Do not take a few sentences from key sections of the document and string them together. Rather, go over the entire document and make notes of the elements you consider important. Do not include any introductory or transitional material.