Leadership Quality Improvement Project (30% of Final Grade) 1
Nursing Leadership Quality Improvement Project Paper
Nursing Leadership Quality Improvement Project Paper Assignment Description: Each
student will produce a plan for implementing a change project in nursing departments throughout
the organization. The student will begin by selecting one area for improvement of (e.g. quality
and safety, cost effectiveness, core measures, documentation, billing, patient satisfaction) within
his, or her healthcare organization and propose a change to solve the problem. Students will then
select one of the change theories from the assigned text readings and scholarly literature that
models and appropriately will guide the implementation of the proposed change. Note: Students
will develop the nursing leadership quality improvement project using APA 7th edition. The
paper is expected to be 6 pages not including title page or reference page. A minimum of 5
scholarly sources outside of course readings and textbook. This assignment must be submitted
using the SafeAssign and meet the criteria that all submitted work must fall below a 10%
similarity index (excluding all headings and references).
Assignment Overview: Students will develop an APA 7th edition paper for this
assignment by producing a quality improvement project paper containing a plan for
implementing a change within a nursing department of a health care organization. Students must
select an issue within his, or her nursing department in need of quality improvement. Student
will need to propose a change to solve the issue. Students will also select one of the change
theory models from the course readings and materials to guide the paper on how to implement
the proposed change.
To assist with the development of the nursing leadership quality improvement project
paper students must complete the following:
Leadership Quality Improvement Project (30% of Final Grade) 2
• Select and utilize a change theory model to implement the proposed change
• Analyze the leadership roles and management skills necessary to implement the change
• Present and defend your decision-making process;
• Demonstrate the elements of the change process.
Assignment Outline and Criteria
Introduction (header) (the introduction is meant to provide an overview of what will be further
described and analyzed throughout the paper).
Briefly outline the:
• Problem Statement: Provide a clear statement but brief description of the scenario
• Change Theory Model: Briefly identify which change theory model will be applied in the
• Proposed Change & Rationale: Briefly describe the proposed change and rationale for
this change
• Define the opportunity or problem (how the issue currently exists), the purpose of the
change. Provide the context for the need for this QI project. This provides a more detailed
and in-depth look at the background and significance of the identified scenario/problem.
• Describe the necessary data to be collected and analyzed to support the (analyze course-
based literature, findings, scholarly literature and facility specific data that supports
Leadership Quality Improvement Project (30% of Final Grade) 3
• Assessment methods (how will the student go about gathering the necessary data required
to support the need for the QI project and identify what needs to be measured to
demonstrate success (interviews with stakeholders, review of the literature, etc where is
the supporting evidence for this proposed problem/issue in practice coming from?).
• Change theory model: identify and describe in detail the change theory model being used
(support with evidence and scholarly sources). This is where the change theory model is
introduced to the ready, perhaps other applications of the theory and/or ways it has been
used in practice.
• Describe the proposed change and rationale. (outline the proposed QI change intended to
be made within the unit or facility (this needs to be detailed and supported with evidence.
o Describe the proposed plan, change or remedy and the overall goal.
o Identify and set specific measurable goals or objectives (at least two) Be specific
as possible (which stems from the provided data justifying the change)
• Describe people or organizational positions with which collaboration must occur to
ensure success of the QI project (provide rationale for involvement)
Action Plan (Critical Paper Component): Supporting rationale for implementing the proposed
change for the nursing leadership quality improvement project paper will include:
• Steps and processes: Develop specific activities to enhance success and to reduce the
restraining forces and increase the driving forces (again this needs to be specific and
NOT general or vague) make sure to include those necessary to assure staff compliance
• Prioritize activities and give a time frame for implementation. Again, be specific
o Identify the person or persons responsible for carrying out the activities
Leadership Quality Improvement Project (30% of Final Grade) 4
o Instructional resources or necessary training that may be needed or required?
• An approach to communicate the plan (how will the change be communicated to the
team members that will be responsible for ensuring the change occurs.
• The change process chosen with an explanation of how and why the change theory
model was selected (detail and support with course readings and other evidence-based
literature how and why this change process was appropriate for the selected problem and
include other variables that may impact the success of this specific change process)
• leadership style utilized and evidence of its effectiveness (explain what leadership style
approach was utilized to ensure the QI project would be successful within the context of
the problem, the environment as well as internal and external influencing factors.
Evaluation: Develop an evaluation plan with at least three outcome criteria (how will project
effectiveness or non-effectiveness be measured); These should be based on the goals/
objectives identified above. Be sure to include the following elements:
• Management functions utilized: (describe your role as the nurse leader/manager in the QI
project; what is your role in ensuring the QI project is successful such as employee
engagement and motivation, measures, resources, training and growth opportunities for
employees for example with student’s chosen QI project)
• Proposed change impacts the healthcare organization’s budget and costs if applicable
• A plan that addresses noncompliance and rejecters to assure compliance
• Specifications regarding the evaluation of the effectiveness post implementation of the
proposed change.
• What methods are used to evaluate the change?
Leadership Quality Improvement Project (30% of Final Grade) 5
• Include and evaluation time frame.
• Highlight any relevant points such as providing a nursing implication conceptually
consistent with the nursing leadership change theory model used in the paper