IT Project Management

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TMA 01
This tutormarked
assignment (TMA) carries 25% of the continuous assessment marks.
This TMA assesses your knowledge and skills related to Block 1 and the associated tributaries Stakeholders and Risk.
There are a variety of types of question.
Please ensure you are familiar with the guidance provided in the Assessment Guide.
You should include appropriate citations and references to demonstrate your use of the theories and concepts presented
in the module.
In your response, please include an accurate word count for each question that has a word count.
Learning outcomes
This TMA assesses the following learning outcomes:
demonstrate awareness of the roles and importance of stakeholders to project management and conduct a
stakeholder analysis
identify and evaluate risks and draw up risk management plans
use a variety of techniques to investigate the technical and financial feasibility of a simple project
understand and apply reflective practice in learning and professional contexts.
Question 1 5 marks
In this question you are required to describe the project management situation that you will investigate for the End of
Module Assessment (EMA). You should remind yourself of the EMA requirements. You should ensure that confidentiality
is maintained.
Outline the project management situation that you will investigate for your EMA. You should also briefly explain the project
and your role in it. To ensure that you describe the project management situation rather than the project itself, you should
explain what the problem/difficulty is that you would like to improve or the good practice that you would like to extend.
Your response should be no more than 200 words.
Question 2 20 marks
This question requires you to identify techniques, justify choices and apply techniques to a given situation (as given in
the case study). This structure enables you to show analysis and synthesis; these are skills that you need for
addressing real world problems, and you will need to demonstrate these skills in the EMA. If you have not already
done so, you will probably find it helpful to look at the Thinking critically booklet and the Critical engagement activity
in the Academic skills section of the M815 Assessment Guide.
Perform a stakeholder analysis of the case study ‘Oxford Hills Healthy Moms Project’ and then evaluate this analysis. Your
analysis should include identification, classification and assessment of stakeholder groups. You are not required to include
management actions. The paper is quite long, so, for the purposes of this question, you should focus on the following
sections: Abstract, Background, Method, Discussion and Conclusions.
Your response should include the following:
Your response should be no more than 500 words.
You should give citations and references for both the case study and the module materials. References are not included in
the word count.
In TMA03 you will revisit this case study to consider ideas for engaging with and managing the relationship with the
three stakeholder groups that you have presented in part (c).
Question 3 20 marks
A manufacturing organisation initiates a project to replace some machinery with a newer and more efficient model which
will reduce the cost of raw materials, reduce energy costs, reduce maintenance costs and hence increase profitability. A
partially completed cash flow statement for the project is shown below.
a. A clear statement of the techniques you are using for your analysis and your reasons for your choices of techniques.
Analysis includes identification, classification and assessment.
(6 marks)
b. The stakeholder groups that you have identified, your assessment of the extent to which you have been able to
identify all stakeholders, and any assumptions you have made.
(8 marks)
c. The result of your analysis of three stakeholder groups with different interests in this case study. Please present
this as a table similar to Table 2 of Section 5 of the Stakeholder Tributary.
(6 marks)
Year 0 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5
Inflows £k £k £k £k £k £k
Grants 120
Sale of machinery 100
Reduced cost of raw materials 70 70 70 80 80
Reduced energy costs 5 5 6 6 6
Reduced maintenance cost 5 5 5 5 5
Total inflows 220 80 80 81 91 91
Outflows £k £k £k £k £k £k
New machinery 300
Question 4 10 marks
In the section “Continuing Professional Development” of the Module Guide, the APM’s FIVE Dimensions of
Professionalism (APM, n.d.) are introduced. These give a high level perspective on professionalism and so are a useful
reference point for your reflections. The EMA asks you to reflect on your own development during the study of this module
with reference to the five dimensions.
Training costs 20
Removal of old machinery 30
Installation costs 60
Additional support costs 4 4 4 4 4
Increased local taxes 4 4 4 4 4
Total outflows 410 8 8 8 8 8
a. In the cash flow statement shown above the project manager has not distinguished between capital and revenue
items. Explain the difference between capital inflows, revenue inflows, capital outflows and revenue outflows using
examples from the cash flow statement for the manufacturing project shown above.
(6 marks)
b. Calculate the net cash flows for each year in the cash flow statement shown above and hence calculate the payback
period for this project.
(4 marks)
c. Calculate the net present value (NPV) for this project, assuming a discount rate of 10% and using the discount
factors from the table below. You must show your working.
(4 marks)
Year Discount Factor
1 0.91
2 0.83
3 0.75
4 0.68
5 0.62
d. The internal rate of return (IRR) has been calculated to be just under 30% for the manufacturing project. Explain,
without detailed calculation, how values for internal rates of return are obtained for projects, using the manufacturing
project as an example.
(6 marks)
Identify two of the dimensions of professionalism that are relevant to you and that you hope to extend as you progress
through this module. Explain why you have made your choices and where you consider that you stand now within the two
dimensions you have chosen. To do well in this question you will need to use the definitions of the dimensions as given by
the APM. The APM case studies may also be helpful.
Your response should be no more than 300 words.
APM (n.d.) FIVE Dimensions of Professionalism [Online]. Available at (Accessed 12
December 2016).
Question 5 20 marks
This question also prepares you for the EMA, as you are required to link theory and evidence from the real world (the
case study) and give supporting citations and references. You will be using these skills in your EMA.
Activity 1 of Block 1 asked you to identify one of the provided case studies about a project very different from your own
experience. This question requires you to describe those differences in terms of the concepts that you have already met in
this module and to consider possible learning from this comparison. When referring to the module materials you should
give appropriate citations and references. You should address the following points:
Maximum 400 words.
Question 6 25 marks
TechWear Ltd specialises in watches to appeal to consumers who are interested in sports and fitness products with
technology enhanced features. The company is developing a new watch to include GPS software to track distance and
display this against time taken. The new watch is to be marketed as an affordable aid to an active lifestyle.
TechWear intends to use a component from TECHCO, a technology company who will develop a new GPS tracking
component which offers the key features of more expensive sports and fitness devices, but uses cheaper technology. The
new component will be a key feature of the new watch. TECHCO is a wellestablished
supplier of technology solutions
and provides components for other companies which specialise in technological devices. TECHCO has sometimes been
criticised for the quality of the cheaper components it brings to the market. Techwear must launch the new watch within 6
months otherwise competitors will offer similar products.
a. Which case study did you identify as being different from your own experience? Give the full reference.
(2 marks)
b. Considering the concepts you have met within Block 1, and the tributaries Stakeholders and Risk, identify three
differences between the project in this case study and your own experience. Explain these differences with reference
to the module materials. You can draw on your experience in more than one project although you will need to be
concise in your explanations to remain within the word count.
(12 marks)
c. Describe briefly one area or topic for future learning that these differences have highlighted for you and how you
might pursue this learning opportunity. The area or topic could be about specific techniques or situations within
project management, or may be more general in terms of broadening your experience. Explain why you think the
area or topic is interesting and important, and any difficulties you foresee in learning about it.
(6 marks)
a. Identify one significant opportunity associated with the project described above. Outline an appropriate strategy to
respond to the opportunity and identify the type of strategy you have suggested.
TMA 01
(5 marks)
b. Identify four significant and distinct risks that, should they occur, would have a negative impact on the project
described above. Identify risks from the perspective of Techwear. These risks should be specific to this project and
not just general risks like the project being late or over budget. Outline an appropriate strategy to manage each of
these four risks and identify the type of risk management strategy you have suggested. A table would be a suitable
way to present your answers, with columns for the risks, the strategy and the type of strategy.
(12 marks)
c. As the project progresses, a project team member at TechWear thinks there may be a potential problem which has
not been discussed at any team meeting.
i. What approaches can the project manager and/or team leader use to facilitate the raising of such concerns by
team members?
(4 marks)
ii. The project manager considers that the potential problem could impact on the cost and timescale of the project.
Outline what actions the project manager should take.
(4 marks)

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