Issues in Criminology

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Issues in Criminology – U21172

You are required to submit TWO 2000 word essays (+/- 10%) Choose ONE of the questions below for each essay.  The first essay will be titled Part 1 and the second essay will be titled Part 2.

In formulating your essays you should keep in mind the remit of the Issues in Criminology unit. One of these is that the unit is concerned with developments in criminology from 1945to the early 1990s with particular reference to late 1960s and 1970s (consequently what you include in your response to the questions below should only refer to this time frame).

You are reminded that your essays should be informed and guided by the learning materials, the suggested reading (identified in the reading list that supports this unit as well as included in the Moodle site). Equally you should make use of the discussion board on the Moodle which supports this unit to develop your understanding. You will find guidance to each of the essay questions on the discussion board. You are encouraged to contribute messages so as to ensure your understanding of what to cover in each question.

  1. During the decades that followed the end of the Second World War it became apparent that there existed divided views as to the nature and purpose of criminology. This divide was between those who viewed it as an applied discipline compared with those who sought to develop a critical and theoretical approach. Examine the values and research approach of these two perspectives.
  1. Explore the main values and concerns of those who attended the National Deviancy Conferences, the first of which was in 1968.
  1. Examine the main arguments made in Taylor, Walton & Young’s The New Criminology (1973).
  1. Critical criminology draws on a variety of theoretical ideas. Identify key work/texts produced by critical criminologists during the 1970s and early 1980s and explain what theoretical ideas informed their analysis.
  1. Examine the explanations offered by scholars associated with the Birmingham School for the emergence of different youth cultures during the 1960s and 1970s.
  1. During the 1960s and 1970s a number of feminist perspectives emerged which, to varying extents, challenged ‘malestream’ criminology. Examine their respective criticisms of criminology.
  1. Examine the implications of the libertarian ideas that informed the Conservative Government’s crime policies during the 1980s.
  1. Analyse the reasons why new right criminologists replaced the ‘war on poverty’ with a ‘war on crime’.

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