Issues in dementia care and communication

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Length: 3000 words plus or minus 500 words
Case study

You are a senior worker at a residential facility.
A resident (any name or gender you choose) has dementia. Staff are complaining that he or she is ‘wandering’ and ‘trying to escape’. When stopped he or she may be aggressive, including pushing and verbal abuse but then may become very quiet and withdrawn.
You have heard some staff in the handover say the resident needs to be sedated.
You have decided to write an essay about this case for your subject; anonymously of course. You also plan to use the essay to help you lead a team discussion at the upcoming monthly professional development meeting. In preparation for the essay, you have asked the staff on your shift to record an ABC Chart that you will use in your overall analysis.
As mentioned your person is located in a residential facility

2. Special needs,
The client is part of a special needs group, so find some specific research/gray literature about dementia and this special need. You must include one of the following characteristics:
an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person
a prisoner with dementia
a transgender person (n.b. transgender should be used as an adjective, not as a noun)
a person with history of domestic violence or sexual abuse
a person who follows the Muslim faith
a person with a life-long intellectual disability or younger person with dementia
For this exercise, you are to write your essay in three parts.
1. An ABC Assessment chart
You provide an ABC Chart in a table format with at least three entries. This is a minimal aspect of the essay, it is to get a feel for charting only. Submission of the chart results in a pass for this part of the assessment. Three line items are sufficient. The chart cannot inform your entire essay as you will only have three entries.

2. Use an essay format
Your document is written in essay style. Headings are permitted.
Include a holistic assessment based on the subject material provided in Interact2, the readings provided as well as your own research. You will need to include how you will address your client’s special needs. You should take a biopsychosocial approach (including environmental aspects where appropriate). This ensures that you consider a broad range of factors that may impact on the resident’s behaviour.
3. Reflection – Not included in word count. This must be attempted. Approximately 400 words. This component is awarded 5% and is not graded. This section of the assignment encourages you to reflect on your learning from undertaking this task.
What did you learn while doing this essay?
What difficulties did you encounter?
How will you use what you have learned?
No references are required as this is a reflective piece.
This assignment assists the student apply learning to practice with particular emphasis on distressed behaviour. The student will apply critical thinking skills to a case study by conducting an investigation into a workplace
incident. The student will consider the situation holistically and make observations and recommendations about the situation.

This assessment relates to aspects of the following Learning Outcomes:
be able to apply knowledge of the demographics, incidence and causes of dementia
analyse the role of behaviour as a form of communication in dementia
demonstrate an understanding of the diverse social and emotional responses to dementia manifested by individuals, carers and society, and their impact on care practices
be able to adapt care strategies to meet the needs of diverse cohorts of people with dementia
develop collaborative care strategies that recognise the roles of families and carers
demonstrate an understanding of the importance of care environment and culture in influencing behaviour of people with dementia
understand and apply appropriate ethical, human rights and legal frameworks to the care of people with dementia

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