Instructional materials

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Purpose: To develop a set of instructional materials/teaching resources for use in your own teaching or you will write a research proposal for a project investigating an area of second language writing. The following describes the instructional material assessment. Students interested in doing a research proposal should contact the lecturer directly.
Word limit: 2000-2500
Task Description:
The focus of this assessment is on the development of a set of classroom materials for a unit on teaching writing skills in a second or foreign language setting. The materials should cover 10-12 hours of classroom instruction time. This can be concentrated in several sequential lessons or spread out over a number of lessons. The materials can be at any level you choose. You are strongly encouraged to develop activities that you can use in your own teaching now or in the future.
As part of the assessment you will be required to provide a rationale for the particular activities used. An essential element for any rationale is a statement of why you are including the activity
and what the expected learning outcome is. This rationale will be based in part on the literature we have encountered over the course of the semester but you are encouraged to go beyond that as required. The assessment is not a research paper but appropriate references are needed, especially for the rationale.
Mark weighting:
Overview 10% Rationale 25% Materials 40% Procedure 10% Evaluation 15%
1. Overview. A short description (100-200 word) of the unit of work, outlining the proposed teaching or learning writing activity and providing a basis for the rationale section. It will introduce the activities that are part of the rationale discussion. A detailed presentation of the activities is given in the Materials section.
2. Rationale. A section providing the rationale for the proposed activities. Start with a paragraph describing the teaching and learning context e.g. EFL/ESP/etc., class profile (i.e. gender, age L1, L2 proficiency, etc.), wants, needs, reasons for learning English, institutional context, and any other relevant details. You should cite references where appropriate. You are not limited to the reading list for material. Why is the activity included and what is the expected learning outcome?
3. Materials. A description of the proposed learning activities, including instructions. If relevant, you should describe the larger learning context, e.g. the type of course in which the materials are embedded. The teaching materials (what the student sees) can be in self-access format or designed for a teacher-fronted class. They should be of satisfactory visual appeal.
4. Procedure. A statement indicating where, how, and by whom the materials will be used. The procedure should be described in such a manner that the materials can be used by anyone.
5. Evaluation. A statement describing how the students’ performance on the unit will be evaluated. Part of the evaluation may be tests and quizzes, though there are many other ways in which you can evaluate the success of the materials.
Format: A paper-based set of material is the norm but you are welcome to develop and present the materials in an alternative digital media. This could be online or in PowerPoint format.
Length: 2000 words of text. Words used in the actual activities or in references do not count toward the word limit. Submit through Turnitin.
Rationale: Breadth and depth of understanding, clear analysis and reflection on the points addressed. Use Hyland (2016) as a starting point to identify relevant literature

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