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Information Systems for Managers
Assignment: Case Study 1 (75 points)
Read the case study “Can This Bookstore Be Saved?” (this can be found as an attachment to the case study in Week 2 within Moodle).
- The Case Study Review should include (2 to 3 pages)
- This does not include title pages or reference pages
- This is at least 2.5 written pages (page 3 must be at least ½ of a page)
- Summary of the case
- This should be thorough enough (but not plagiarized (meaning in your own words)) to give a reader who has not read the case a very good idea of what is going on
- Answer to the questions at the end of the case which are based on the textbook readings or outside sources (these are not your opinion but you can include comments)
- Such as Question 3-14 asks you to use the value chain and competitive forces models to evaluate the impact of the Internet on book retail stores such as Barnes & Noble.
- Page 60 of your text book discusses the competitive forces and the Porter model
- Page 61 looks at information systems in value chain analysis (the model is in figure 2.14)
- Conclusion which is your thoughts on the case and its contents
- In completing the case I want at least 3 in-text citations referencing the text book material or an outside source backing up your comments/answers
- Such as Question 3-14 asks you to use the value chain and competitive forces models to evaluate the impact of the Internet on book retail stores such as Barnes & Noble.
Present the paper in Microsoft Office Word document format. Name the file LastName_Case_Study_1.doc and submit it to the Online Venue (Moodle) by the beginning of Friday class of Week 3.
- All written assignments and responses should follow either MLA/APA rules
- Title page (in MLA the title is usually on the first page but, the instructor can request a title page and this is what I am asking for so that there is at least 2.5 full pages of content)
- No paragraph spacing
- Double spaced
- 1” margins (top, bottom, left and right)
- 12pt font size
- Times New Roman
- References and in-text citations follows either the APA or MLA rules
- Can follow link for the Purdue Owl site for information on MLA/APA: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/section/2/
Assignment Grading Criteria | Maximum Points |
Case Description | 10 |
All Discussion Questions answered thoroughly | 40 |
Conclusion | 7.5 |
Used textbook and/or outside sources to substantiate discussion | 10 |
Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources, displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. | 7.5 |
Total: | 75 |