Healthy people 2030 focuses on preventing drug and alcohol misuse and helping people with substance use disorders get the treatment they need. As a Doctor of Nursing practice:
1. Identify whether Drug and Alcohol use is a local, state, national or international problem.
2. Provide Data to support why drug and alcohol use is high priority health issue.
3. Include at least 4 items related to health literacy that would be important for your consumers to know about Drug and alcohol use.
4. Include at least 3 resources for your consumers to go to for further information on drug and alcohol use.
5. Include relevant information from the health promotion/literacy on drug and alcohol use.
6. Discuss initiatives to support drug and alcohol use.
7. Identify whether the clinical prevention services for drug and alcohol use focus on the primary, secondary and/or tertiary level of prevention.
8. Identify which middle range nursing theory would best support the chosen topic and why?
9. State the role of the Doctor of Nursing Practice in identifying gaps in care and providing preventative measures of drug and alcohol use.
Document this assignment in 4 pages word document include minimum of 4 articles published in last 5 years.