Group strategy planning report

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Details of Task: This assignment is a group report (5 depending on the number of students in each workshop). It relates to your team’s discussions and input into the decision rounds to date (D1 – D3). There are a number of identified sections that you need to attend to; however, there is a degree of flexibility in how you write up this report. Each section builds on the other and so there is a need for group discussion and planning in this assignment. Overall, your focus needs to be strategic, that is – you are doing longer term planning in a number of areas in the Markstrat simulation and setting relevant objectives that can be evaluated after decision rounds D4 – 7 when doing your second assignment.
?????Detailed instruction on the contents and structure of the assignment will be available on Moodle.
MKF3151 Marketing planning and strategy – Semester 2 (S2-01) – 2017
Detailed instruction on the contents and structure of the assignment will be available on Moodle.
Release date: In Week 3
Word limit: 2,000 words
Presentation requirements: Typeface must be Times New Roman, and size of the font must be 12 point. Line spacing must be 1.5. You need to justify left and right margins. Make sure you use your spell check prior to submission and, if possible, ask someone else to proof-read it before you finish it off.
Estimated return date: In two weeks
Hurdle requirements: Group participation is critical for this assessment. Detailed rules how group members rate the performance of each other will be available on Moodle.

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