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Your report must include the following key elements:
1) Review on a number of at least (e.g. 3 to 5) KM technologies with support from appropriate references;
2) Multiple decision criteria should be considered for the decision. The report needs to clearly identify the decision criteria with support from appropriate references (either from literature or empirical research);
3) Review a number of MCDA methods and choose one MCDA method for the decision process with justification for the choice of the method;
4) Illustrate how your chosen MCDA method can be employed to solve the decision problem of the KM technology evaluation and selection. If extra data are needed to help you complete the MCDA process (such as judgement scores for paircomparisons). you need to either research the data from references or directly collect the data from at least 3 to 5 experts in the company through interviews or a questionnaire survey, whichever way is possible for you.
Further instructions
It is expected that your research skill (including searching for MCDA methods) is demonstrated end empirical underpinned in the coursework.
It vital that you can justify that it is the most appropriate method. You can only reach a good decision if you have compared a number of MCDA methods (e.g. by comparing their strengths and weaknesses). The methods you cover have to be multi-criteria , these are the rights ones and “not” single-criterion. and secondly the review needs to cover a number of MCDA methods. It is also adequate to include reviewing the scoring model and the AHP.
Marking criteria
• Review on the KM technologies (wrt. element 1)
• Identification of the decision criteria (wrt. element 2)
• Critical analysis and justification for the MCDA method (wrt. element 3)
• Implementation of the MCDA method to the decision case (wrt. element 4)
• Knowledge of KM and DM concepts (overall) of expression and presentation (overall)