Entrepreneurial Family Firms Coursework

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For this piece of coursework, you will select and research a family firm of your choice, explore the tensions and synergies between key stakeholders in the firm, and assess the impact of these dynamics on the firm’s entrepreneurial activity.

A good report will:

  1. Introduce the firm and its business environment.
  2. Present a stakeholder analysis and briefly justify why you have selected these key stakeholders.
  3. Give a critical assessment of the interpersonal issues and/or organizational dynamics affecting the firm’s entrepreneurial activity and make a clear argument for whether it is generally supported or hindered.
  4. Use a selection of lecture material, relevant academic theory or frameworks, and research from reputable sources (e.g. business press, news media, company reports, documentary coverage, biographies/autobiographies, or investigative books about the company), to support your conclusions. Critical analysis and appropriate use of a range of evidence is usually associated with higher marks.
  5. Be well structured, organized, proofread and spellchecked.
  6. Reference all sources accurately (Harvard format).
  7. Include a total word count (excluding reference list) at the end of document.
  8. Does not exceed 1500 words.


To choose a firm, first consider what information you need to conduct a thorough analysis and select an organization about which you are able to find such information.

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