Designing effective Career Development programs for individuals and groups in a range of settings The Australian Blueprint for Career Development is a great place to start for developing career education programs. It provides a framework for designing, implementing and evaluating programs. If you aspire to support people at all ages and stages of their career the “Blueprint” is an essential resource that provides a nationally consistent set of career management competencies. It identifies the skills, knowledge and attributes required to make sound career choices and manage transitions from school to higher education and within the workforce. Although the Blueprint is a good starting point it is just one of the many resources available. Read: Chapters 12 and 14 of the Patton & McMahon text for discussion of career education in schools and corporate settings. A recent report by Tony Watts and the University of Derby, Teachers and Careers, will provide you with valuable information on international best practice for the delivery of career education. I suggest that you might incorporate some of these strategies into your Assignment 2. The Foundation for Young Australians has recently produced two reports summarising the challenges and opportunities confronting us in the workplace of the (near) future. The New Work Order The New Work Mindset The Mitchell Institute released a report earlier this year discussing the challenges facing schools in preapring young people for the new world of work. Preparing Young People for the Future of Work One of the significant challenges in creating effective and relevant career education programs that suit the particular needs of different groups and individuals is in finding the best possible resources for the task. You may have found that some of the most effective resources are human resources. People who are willing to share their knowledge and expertise in a mentoring role can be invaluable learning and teaching resources. They are largely responsible for the success of work experience and school based training programs and can contribute to the success of specific programs and lesson as guest speakers and/or workshop presenter. The Readings in this Topic will provide the foundation for your second assignment. Discussion Forum: What do you see as particular challenges facing your students, staff or clients? See resources attached no need for citings.