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Either for Breast cancer or Prostate cancer:
Describe the challenges that exist in the management of this disease and critically review the potential of ‘omic risk signatures and how they could be employed over a population.
Structured essay (with diagrams and tables), tables and figures should have legends.
Total maximum 2000 words (excluding legends and references)
Should evaluate key primary data not just review articles
This paper should be written in a form of a scientific report that is to be considered for publication in a scientific journal. Provide an Abstract of no more than 250 words and structure the main part of the report to have Introduction, address the questions, and a brief Conclusion section.
Citation style: use the Harvard style for citing reference
Endnote bibliography: Citing and keeping track of references is made much easier if you use a citation manager.
Write in your own words, check for plagiarism after writing and always reference your sources correctly.
Inches Centimetres
Top 1.30 3.30
Bottom 1.37 3.48
Left 1.50 3.81
Right 0.77 1.96
Line spacing 1.5 and 12pt after
Front size
Use at least a 12pt font
Headers & footers
Headers: name xx
Footers: page number. In the footer, on the right hand side, put the page number and total number of pages. It should be given as page 1 of 8