Content Summary Assignment Instructions
Before learning how to apply social psychological research and theory in real life scenarios, it is important to be able to synthesize complex information and relay this information in an understandable way. These Content Summary Assignments are a great way to learn how to take several different sources and to synthesize them into a concise and understandable way.
Just as a hint: your Content Summary Assignments will provide you with terrific study guides for the quizzes.
You will complete Content Summary Assignments throughout this course. The Content Summary Assignments are the core learning/building block for this course. As such, be careful to read all of the material and to make worthwhile summaries of the information presented. You will use this information for every other assignment in this course.
Include the following components in your Content Summary Assignments:
1. Content Summary Assignments must be at least 1.5–2 pages.
2. Each summary must include an integration of the Kassin et al. text chapters, Chadee theory chapters, and two journal articles related to each module (found in the Learn Section).
· Use your Kassin et al. textbook to navigate the summary. Then, explore specific issues from the text that the Chadee theories book and the required articles also discuss.
3. The Content Summary Assignments must be in current APA format, including a cover page, a reference page, and appropriate subheadings (i.e. introduction, summary points, conclusion, etc.).
4. Using sources outside the required Learn Section reading is allowed, but not required.
5. Cite all your sources you used (should include all read items from the Learn Section, as well as any outside sources used) in current APA format.
Use the following outline in your Content Summary Assignments:
1. Introduction
a. The introduction should be an overall summary of the Learn Section’s reading material (1–2 paragraphs).
2. Body (Summary Points)
a. The body of your summary should include 3, using APA-style headings to separate each one, covering 3 of the major points that span across all reading sources in the module.
b. Subsections should be about 1–2 paragraphs long.
c. Each subsection should have a minimum of 2 sources cited to support the major points. The 2 required sources MUST come from the assigned readings under that week’s module. (This is to ensure that you are integrating the information, rather than summarizing the sources independently.)
3. Conclusion
a. Tie together the major themes you introduced in the body of the summary.
Make sure to check the Content Summary Grading Rubric before you start your Content Summary Assignment.
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
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