Carlton, a 6-year-old boy, was playing on a sandy beach with his mother. He began to run along the shoreline when he stepped on the sharp edge of a shell, giving himself a deep cut on his foot. His mother washed his foot in the lake and put on his running shoe to take him home. One day later, Carlton’s foot looked worse. The gash was red and painful. The foot was warm to touch and appeared swollen. Carlton’s mom put some gauze over the wound and prepared to take him to the local community health clinic.
What is the physiologic mechanism causing the wound to become red, hot, swollen, and painful? How is this different from the inflammatory response that might occur in an internal organ?
What are the immunologic events that are happening at the local level during Carlton’s acute inflammatory response?
Nutrition plays an important factor in wound healing. What stages of wound healing would be affected by a deficiency in vitamins A and C?
*Pls make sure Turnitin report is not more than 15%.
*Pls cite at least 3 SCHOLARLY references in APA 7th ed format.
* Should be at least 4 pages with a maximum of 5 pages and must include a discussion and application of cellular metabolism as it applies to the case study, so you will have to locate articles that address cellular injury. This includes only the content, not the title and reference pages. More is not better so there is no need for an extensive background of the disease in the case study. Please focus on responding to the question clearly and thoroughly with scholarly sources.
Sources should be evidenced-based on professional journals. Websites can be used in adjunct but are not considered scholarly references for this course.
Case study analysis (as applicable)
1-What cells are involved?
2-What are the physiology of the cells?
3-What is the cellular injury?
4-How does the cellular injury relate to the symptoms?