Business Psychology

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“Managing stress and well-being at work requires a stage-by stage-approach – identifying a problem, intervening to change it or find ways of coping with it, and monitoring and reviewing progress. This allows the intervention strategy to be tailored to the needs of the organisation, rather than it being determined by a generic theory that may or may not be valid in the organisation” Arnold & Randall (2017), Work Psychology, 6e, p440.


This statement implies that the organisation is in a position to control stress and well-being at work. Is this accurate or are there other factors that relate to individuals and groups that might be equally or more important?


Your answer should take into account a range of issues, events and situations that may cause stress in the workplace. You should refer to theory and empirical research from at least two of the themes covered in this module.



Word count

The limit for this paper is 2000 words (+/- 10%). See also marking guidelines below.



Your answer should consist of the following sections:


A general introduction outlining the aims and content of the paper should be provided.


Main text 

In this part of the paper you should consider and analyse the issues and supporting theories you have chosen and link these to relevant examples and applications (please ensure you refer to a range of original sources in this section).


A summary of the main points of the essay (ensuring you consolidate your thinking on the subject rather than simply repeating ideas from the previous sections.)   If you have expressed an opinion you should support it here.



Please use Arial font, size 12. Do not include your name or your student number in the essay.



You are required to use the Harvard reference style. It is important that you reference your sources. As an example: when you refer to a particular theory or cite a specific example we want to know where you got the information from so that we can go to the relevant article/book to read up on it.

Note: Internet / web sources are not considered to be quality sources.



This should include only texts or papers which you have referenced in your paper. Where you cite a paper which you have not read but which is referred to in something you have read then you should include both in your bibliography. (See below for more information on a bibliography).



Your essay must be submitted as a single Microsoft Word document via the Business Psychology page on Moodle before 10 a.m. on Monday 3rd April 2017. A hard copy is not required. Any paper submitted beyond that time up to one week later will be capped in accordance with the Business School policy on late submissions.

Moodle will time your submission to the second, so make sure that you leave yourself plenty of time! You can submit only once so make sure you upload the correct file.   


Penalties will be applied for the following: – Late submission (see above) – Word count: +/- 10% of the target (excluding any bibliography) will result in a reduction of 5% of your total mark for this piece of work.

Marking Guidelines

These are attached as a separate sheet


Other information:  


Plagiarism is a form of academic misconduct and will not be tolerated. It is important that you take the information from your sources and use it for your purpose. Any kind of cut & paste will be considered plagiarism. Your work must be your own.

As spelled out in the University Handbook, cases of plagiarism will be reported to the Chairman of the Board of Examiners and sanctions will apply. Please familiarize yourself with the section on plagiarism in the University Handbook.



The principle you should observe in listing references in the bibliography is that the reader should be able, from your description, to find the sources and easily check the accuracy of your quotation or citation. References in the bibliography should be listed alphabetically. Where there is more than one reference for an author or authors, these should be listed in date order. Below are some examples of full references – you should follow these formats wherever possible.


  • For a book, give the information, author (date), title, place of publication, publisher. If it is an edited book, or later than a first edition, include this information too. Thus:

Donaldson, L. (1995). American Anti-Management Theories of Organization; A Critique of Paradigm Proliferation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

  • For a journal article, give the information: author, (date), article title, journal title, volume number, issue number, page numbers. Thus,

Schultz, M. & Hatch, M.J. (1996). Living with Multiple Paradigms: The Case of

Paradigm Interplay in Organizational Culture Studies. Academy of

Management Review, 21, 3, 529-557

Beeby, M. & Booth, C. (2000). Networks and Inter-Organizational Learning: A Critical Review. The Learning Organizational International Journal, 7, 2, 7588. Paper online at: /v7n2/s2/p75 (accessed 3.9.01)

More information on the correct way to reference is available from Juliette Smeed, or the Library.


John Spoerry & Jane Tapsell, February 2017

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