The goal of this assignment is to have you identify a technology tool you will integrate into the lesson you are developing and create a screencast tutorial for students, parents, colleagues who will use the tool. There are three components to the assignment: app review, screencast/video file, and written reflection.
Assignment Components
App/Tech Tool Review
Use Kolb’s guidance to evaluate a technology tool and post your review for peers. Common Sense Media is a very helpful resource for identifying potential tools to support classroom instruction.
Review Components
1. Describe the APP or Technology Tool.
a. Provide the name and information about how to access the tool. Provide website or vendor information.
a. What does the tool do? What tasks will it help you perform?
a. What age group of student or adult might use the app/tool?
2. Provide a lesson summary (2 -3 sentences) that describes an instructional activity that integrates the app/technology tool to achieve learning goals. (Refer to your lesson plan draft).
3. Use Kolb’s Triple E Measurement Tool to rate the tool described in the lesson summary above. Include the rubric in your review or write a narrative summary addressing each of the components in the rubric. Provide support for your ratings. What evidence from the lesson summary supports your ratings? (1-2 sentences).
Video/Screencast Identify the content and ISTE standards that will be addressed in your lesson plan and then identify a technology tool that could be used during your lesson by you and your students to demonstrate content knowledge and technology use skills. Create a video that can be used by a student, parent, or teacher to learn how to use the technology tool that will be included in your lesson.
Screencasting Information
There are a variety of screencasting web 2.0 tools and apps that you can use to capture and describe your interactions with the instruction tool. Some of these tools are listed below, you are not restricted to these tools. Each option below allows you to create a free account.
· Screen capture tools: Screencast-o-matic; Screencastify; Jing; Zoom
Video/Screencast Guidelines – Your video should include the following:
· Your voice describing your interactions with the technology tool.
· Real-time interactions with the technology tool.
· The video should be appropriate for the audience you have identified.
· The video should be at least 1.5 minutes and no longer than 8 minutes in length.
· Upload the video to YouTube to create a URL that you can share for your video. You will submit this link in Blackboard along with the written reflection. You can add the link to the top of a document that contains your reflection.
Example of a screencast: https://youtu.be/hkRqjTVZtM4
App Review/Screencast Reflection
Submit a 350 – 400 word written reflection for the video assignment to Blackboard using the questions offered below.
Reflection Questions
1. Which ISTE Standards for Educators did you address as you interacted with technologies to create a review and record a screencast tutorial?
2. Which ISTE Standards for Students would be addressed by their engagement with the technology tool you featured in your video?
3. Which content standards are addressed in the video or by students creating videos?
4. What might you do differently if you choose to make a “how to” video in the future?