Assignment Paper


•Submit summaries on two more articles on your topic, using the questions outlined previously (Week 2) MUST BE EMPERICALLY REVIEWED ARTICLES

Empirical Article – (Original Research)

Based on experience and observation, rather than systematic logic.

The articles contain original research (such as scientific experiments, surveys and research studies)

A list of references or sources is provided at the end of each article.

An editorial board, composed of experts in the field, reviews articles to decide whether they should be accepted; this is also known as “refereed,” “peer-reviewed,” “professional,” “scholarly”, or “academic”.

Uses a specialized vocabulary for that field.

•Click the Submit Assignment button below to upload your assignment to Turnitin

•This assignment is worth 30 points


Three common types of plagiarism you need to be aware of as a student:

•Recycling a paper; “double-dipping”; self-plagiarism: Reusing a paper you have written for a previous course

•Copying directly from a source without proper quotations or paraphrasing: When you try to pass something off as your own work

•Not using proper citations

According to the Academic Integrity and Academic Dishonesty Handbook:

Your paper should have at least 80% of your own original thought, not “borrowed, paraphrased [or] quoted” from material pulled from the Internet, articles, journals, books, etc. Your thoughts, not someone else’s!

Please review the Handbook for more examples of plagiarism and how to avoid it.