The purpose of the assignment on advocacy, social action, community practice, and administrative practice is to create an innovative community-based initiative to address a social, economic, or environmental injustice. Social media tools are widely used to create instant communication and information sharing opportunities. Further, social media is used promote professional networking, personal connections, fundraising, political agendas, and community events. The traditional barriers of time, location, and resources have been reduced based on the low cost of the use of technology. Because of technology, messages are able to reach a wider array of people; technology allows for greater service to global communities in promotion of social justice.
By successfully completing this assignment, you demonstrate your proficiency in the following competencies and specialized behaviors:
Competency 1: Demonstrate ethical and professional behavior.
C1.SP.A: Apply professional use of self and leadership skills with colleagues, clients, groups, organizations, and communities.
C1.SP.B: Articulate and provide leadership in the application of the core values and ethical standards of the social work profession through an ethical problem-solving model to aid in critical thinking, affective reactions, and ethical decision making related to individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities to guide and inform ethical practice in the specialization of advanced generalist social work.
Related Assignment Criterion:
5: Describe how to apply professional use of self and leadership skills through the use of the technology standards to address and advance social and economic justice issues.
C1.SP.C: Integrate the ethical and effective use of technology at all levels of practice in the specialization of advanced generalist social work with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
Related Assignment Criterion:
6: Describe how to promote community well-being through the ethical and effective use of the technology standards.
Competency 2: Engage diversity and differences in practice.
C2.SP.A: Analyze dimensions and differentiation in diversity and apply the influence of relationships, intervention techniques, and technologies with diverse clients, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
Related Assignment Criterion:
8: Analyze the dimensions of diversity and differentiation that influence relationships.
Competency 3: Advance human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice.
C3.SP.A: Apply leadership skills and technology to engage in collaborative practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities to advocate for appropriate services, resources, and supports to achieve goals and foster positive change.
Related Assignment Criterion:
3. Apply a social media tool to develop, support, and sustain a local community initiative.
4. Promote community well-being through the use of the technology standards to address and advance social and economic justice issues.
7. Advocate for the identified issue.
10: Analyze how collaborative involvement promotes success.
C3.SP.B: Apply leadership behaviors by engaging in reflective and professional practices that address and advance social, economic, and environmental justice issues.
Related Assignment Criterion:
5: Describe how to apply professional use of self and leadership skills through the use of the technology standards to address and advance social and economic justice issues.
C3.SP.C: Analyze and respond to evolving leadership, technological, political, economic, social cultural, geographical, and environmental contexts to shape the specialization of advanced generalist practice.
Related Assignment Criterion:
2: Explain the rationale for using a social media tool to create an initiative to address an injustice and why it is important.
Competency 4: Engage in practice-informed research and research-informed practice.
C4.SP.A: Apply leadership skills, decision making, and the use of technology to inform evidence-based research practice to develop, implement, evaluate, and communicate interventions across the specialization of advanced generalist practice settings.
Related Assignment Criterion:
1: Analyze a social or economic injustice in the local community that can be reduced through the use of social media.
Competency 5: Engage in policy practice.
C5.SP.A: Apply leadership skills and decision making as social change agents to collaborate with clients, colleagues, and identified stakeholders to advance social and economic well-being in the delivery of effective and technology-assisted social work services to individuals, families, and groups.
Related Assignment Criterion:
10: Analyze how collaborative involvement promotes success.
Competency 6: Engage with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
C6.SP.B: Apply and integrate theories of human behavior and the social environment in the specialization of advanced generalist practice when engaging with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
Related Assignment Criterion:
9: Integrate theories of human behavior and the social environment in advanced generalist practice.
C6.SP.C: Apply leadership skills and emerging technologies in the specialization of advanced generalist social work practice when engaging with individuals, families, group, organizations, and communities to promote systemic change towards client sustainability.
Related Assignment Criterion:
2: Explain the rationale for using a social media tool to create an initiative to address an injustice and why it is important.
Competency 7: Assess individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
C7.SP.B: Apply and integrate theories of human behavior and the social environment in the specialization of advanced generalist practice when assessing individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
Related Assignment Criterion:
9: Integrate theories of human behavior and the social environment in advanced generalist practice.
C7.SP.C: Apply leadership skills, decision making, and emerging technologies in the specialization of advanced generalist social work practice when assessing individuals, families, group, organizations, and communities to promote systemic change towards client sustainability.
Related Assignment Criterion:
2: Explain the rationale for using a social media tool to create an initiative to address an injustice and why it is important.
Competency 8: Intervene with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
C8.SP.B: Apply and integrate theories of human behavior and the social environment in the specialization of advanced generalist practice interventions with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
Related Assignment Criterion:
9: Integrate theories of human behavior and the social environment in advanced generalist practice.
C8.SP.C: Apply leadership skills and emerging technologies in the specialization of advanced generalist social work practice when engaging with individuals, families, group, organizations, and communities to promote systemic change towards client sustainability.
Related Assignment Criterion:
2: Explain the rationale for using a social media tool to create an initiative to address an injustice and why it is important.
Competency 9: Evaluate practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
C9.SP.B: Apply and integrate theories of human behavior and the social environment in the specialization of advanced generalist practice evaluation with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities.
Related Assignment Criterion:
9: Integrate theories of human behavior and the social environment in advanced generalist practice.
C9.SP.C: Apply leadership skills, decision making, and emerging technologies in the specialization of advanced generalist social work practice evaluation with individuals, families, group, organizations, and communities to promote systemic change towards client sustainability.
Related Assignment Criterion:
2: Explain the rationale for using a social media tool to create an initiative to address an injustice and why it is important.
C9.SP.D: Analyze and respond to evolving leadership, technological, political, economic, social cultural, geographical, and environmental contexts to shape the specialization of advanced generalist practice evaluation.
Related Assignment Criterion:
2: Explain the rationale for using a social media tool to create an initiative to address an injustice and why it is important.
Assignment Description
In this assignment, you will use the information and feedback you have gathered in the course to develop an advocacy and community practice proposal; specifically, the readings presented in the courseroom, the knowledge gained from the previous assignments, and the “NASW, ASWB, CSWE, & CSWA Standards for Use of Technology in Social Work Practice.” You will present this proposal to an agency, a community, an organization, an individual, or a group for its support.
In your proposal, you will develop a community-based initiative to bring awareness to, or educate about, the presence of a local social or economic injustice through the use of a social media tool. You will describe a plan that could be used to sustain or maintain a local community initiative. Discuss how you will create the social media presence, present a plan to maintain the social media tool, and ensure its alignment to the technology standards. For example, the social media tool may be the use of Facebook, Skype, Twitter, or a blog. It is recommended that you reference the technology standards in your proposal.
Assignment Instructions
For this assignment:
Develop a community-based initiative to eliminate or reduce the presence of a local social or economic injustice through the use of a social media tool.
Explain how to apply a social media tool to develop a local initiative. The social media tool may be the use of Facebook, Skype, Twitter, a blog, or others.
Describe the social or economic injustice you desire to eliminate or reduce in the local community.
Create a social media presence, including a plan to sustain or maintain the social media tool, and ensure its alignment to the technology standards.
Explain the rationale for using a social media tool to create an initiative to address an injustice and why it is important.
What population will the initiative serve?
How is the initiative different than others in the community?
Apply the social media tool used to promote the initiative and how you will promote community well-being through the use of the technology standards.
Discuss why this tool was chosen and its benefits for your initiative.
Discuss how you will create access to the social media.
Discuss how you will maintain and sustain the social media presence to promote the initiative.
Apply and integrate theories of human behavior and the social environment in advanced generalist practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities to the area of social or economic injustice you have identified.
Describe how to apply professional use of self and leadership skills through the use of the technology standards to address and advance social and economic justice issues.
Describe how you will promote community well-being through the ethical and effective use of the technology standards.
Explain the rationale for using a social media tool to respond to evolving leadership, technological, political, economic, social cultural, geographical, and environmental contexts and why it is important.
Analyze how the collaborative involvement of the agency, community, organization, group, or individual you are presenting to will promote the success of the proposed initiative that advocates for appropriate services, resources, and supports to achieve goals and foster positive change.
Articulate and provide leadership in the application of the core values and ethical standards of the social work profession through an ethical problem-solving model to aid in critical thinking and ethical decision making related to individuals, families, organizations, and communities to guide and inform ethical advanced generalist social work practice while conducting advocacy to the issue you identified.
Additional Requirements
Your assignment should meet the following requirements:
Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting standards.
Resources: A minimum of five scholarly sources. All literature cited should be current, with publication dates within the past five years