Assignment 2 (Individual) Research Methodology Spring 2017 (55 marks, 25%)
Aims: This is assignment aims to establish a basic familiarity with fundamental concepts of research methods including literature review, referencing, research design, data collection, quantitative research and statistical analysis. Objectives: On completion of this assignment, you should be able to understand: • quantitative research and • statistical analysis for quantitative research. Specifications: Your research task to find out the usage of computers on the ground floor in the UOW library with one sample t-test and analyse your finding. Research proposal (10 marks): Your proposal should cover the following aspects: a. the title, b. the author of research proposal, c. the background (if there are any related papers, briefly review them), d. research problem, e. objectives or aims, f. the methodology and procedure of the study, g. the significance of the problem, h. expected outcomes and i. references. (Note: You need to completely rewrite the research proposal, as it is an entirely different research from Assignment 1. The length of the proposal should not be less than 1200 words, or three pages with 12pt fonts and reasonable margin) Quantitative analysis (35 marks): Keep in mind that you will adopt a one-sample t-test method in your quantitative analysis. (1) Data collection (10 marks): Collect the data from at least 20 observations at different time from the library. For each observation at a time, you obtain a counting result of the number of computers which have been occupied during the particular time. Provide a table in the research report to give the counts and the time the data was collected and give an explanation about how data were collected. (2) You should follow the following procedure (15 marks): a. Give a hypothesis, which reflects your research problem; b. Carry out your t-test with RStudio (provide the entire sample and R scripts in the report); c. Draw a research conclusion, including an analysis about your finding. 2 (3) Write a formal report. Must follow the report writing requirements studied during the lecture. (10 marks) Presentation slides (10 marks): Create a presentation power point file (12 slides only) to present your research to potential audiences. Save your slides in the form of 6-in-1. To achieve a high score on this part, you need to clearly outline the key points of your research and should use figures or graphics to illustrate it. Submission Week 12: 20 October 2017 Hand in a hardcopy to the lecturer prior to the Week 12 lecture (in the classroom). You need to submit the following a. research proposal, b. formal research report and c. presentation slides (two pages).