Community Education Project
As a patient advocate, the psychiatric nurse practitioner is often called upon by communities to help educate its members in a variety of mental health areas. Frequently the nurse practitioner must do a community assessment in order to clearly identify the problem to more effectively assist the community members in meeting their educational needs. You will do a community education project for this course. The purpose of this assignment is to provide the student the opportunity to plan, develop, execute, and evaluate a community education project for a community in need.
The format of your project will be a Power Point Presentation. On Substance abuse in young adults, with an emphasis on education/primary prevention.
Presentation requirements will be no more than 25 content slides (excluding the title and reference slides).
These assignments will give you the opportunity to show your creativity and practice your professional presentation skills.
Section 1: Identifies problem, provides documentation of relevance of topic, identifies target population, states measurable objectives related to topic
Section 2: How drugs affect teen brain
Section 3: Harmful consequences of teen drug abuse
Section 4: Treatment options
Section 5: Risk factors for teen drug abuse
Section 6: Identifies measurable objectives again, includes measurable objective tool, identifies role of nurse practitioner in follow-up education, identifies community resources
Section 7: put presentation together, makes sure ppt is grammatically correct, free of bias and typos, bright and colorful to engage audience, interesting and informative, ensures all resources are within last 5 years