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Analyse Peter Brook’s exploration of Artaud’s theories through Peter Weiss’ play directed by Brook, ‘Marat / Sade’, with reference to the historical and / or cultural contexts that have influenced Brook’s practice.
The essay (2000 words) is designed to allow you: to develop and demonstrate your ability to undertake appropriate research on performance practices; to locate ideas about performance practices within context; to demonstrate an ability to analyse performance practices; to organise and present your work in an appropriate written format. When assessing your essay your tutor will be looking for the following: evidence of understanding module content; independent critical thinking; the ability to construct an argument; evidence of research; clarity and fluency of expression.
In this piece of work, you are expected to make use of AT LEAST SIX academic sources. Some useful sources or areas of research may be:
– Artaud’s Theatre of Cruelty
– The Royal Shakespeare Company
– Christopher Innes, avant garde theatre
– Brook’ s interest in Grotowski
– Brook’s Books
– Actor Training, Allison Hodge
– Reviews of Marat/Sade, production and film