Canada and World economy

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Essay – Term Paper Assignment

Each student is tasked with completing an essay assignment on a topic of your choice that relates to the subject matter of this course—International Trade, Trade Policy and Trade and Growth experience of countries and industries around the world. If you are unsure of the suitability of the research topic of your essay, please have the instructor okay your choice of topic by emailing an outline of your essay topic within first two week of the beginning of this course. The essay assignment attempts to achieve a couple of primary objectives.
First, it attempts to develop students writing skills which are essential in the world of economic policy analysis and communication.
Secondly, it attempts to develop students’ critical thinking abilities, by challenging them to analyse the full complexity of the business world today.
Thirdly, and finally, it attempts to measure the depth of students’ understanding of core topics and analytical models and theories learnt in the course.

Marks for the essay assignment will be awarded as followed:

• Use of Course Materials and Additional Research – 15% marks
o Students are required to support their arguments by referencing materials from both within and outside of the course
o References should be almost entirely to high quality sources, such as think-tanks, international institutions and organizations, government and/or academic research papers or reports (available through the resources of the central university library) or other sources where liability can be determined (on-line sources where authorship is unable to be determined and/or held accountable are not considered reliable…but are often highly entertaining)
o Marks are associated both to the quantity and quality of references used as well as the ways in which the materials are used (i.e. use of quotations or other data to support arguments)
o All external materials must be clearly referenced. Failure do so could result in a charge of academic fraud (see materials included below on this topic)

• Arguments and Content of the Essay – 70% marks
o Grades for this section will be assigned based-on the extent to which the student has answered the following questions:
o Does the essay present analytics and a clear and fully articulated position on the topic?
o Are the arguments grounded or supported by factual and/or logical arguments and analytics?
o Have alternative perspectives or opinions been identified and thoroughly discussed?
o Have all dimensions of the issue been identified and carefully considered?

• Presentation – 15% marks
o Assignments must be free of spelling and grammatical errors
o Assignments should be professionally presented, ensuring that any tables or graphics are cleanly presented and easy to read (this may require reproducing figures, as opposed to cutting and pasting from source documents)
o Do the arguments presented flow together and build upon each other?

The Essay Assignment must be submitted at the beginning of Class on Wednesday March 21st, 2015. The evaluation of the essay assignment is fundamentally subjective. Please keep the length of your paper to 3000 words, one and one-half spaced in New Times Roman font 12, plus charts, graphs, footnotes, and references in the Annex section of your paper. Please follow the APA citation format.

Examples of General Topics for the Term Paper

• Trade and Investment
• Trade in Goods, Services and Intellectual Property
• Regional Trade Agreements
• Trade Policy: The Use of Tariff and Non-Tariff Barriers
• Specific Industry or Sectoral Trade and Investment Policy: Energy Sector, Forestry, Mining, Intellectual Capital, Environment
• Specific Country Performance in International Trade and Investment
• A Case Study of a Specific Country Experience in International Trade, Investment, Finance and Development
• An Examination of the WTO’s Performance in Enabling International Trade in Goods, Services, FDI and Intellectual Property
• A Case Study in Specific Industries of a Specific Country Experience in International Supply Chains, Economic Growth and Development
• Canada’s Trade and Investment Relations and Experience with Specific Countries or Trading Blocks: the U.S., China, India, the EU, ASEAN, APEC, Mercosur, …
Canada-U.S. Cross-Border Trade, Investment, Energy and Environmental Performance under NAFTA
• Canada’s Trade Engagement in the Global Context: The Arctic-North Policy and Security, Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement, Asia—An Opportunity or a Threat for Canada’s Economic Influence?
• Opportunities or challenges for Canada: Silk Belt and Road Initiative and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) led by China?

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