Please review this carefully as there are several options to take for this essay, please use which ever you deem most creative, unique. Please let me know if you access to necessary resources (Books). The instructions for the Essay are below, Approx. 5-6 typed, double-spaced pages (1200 – 1500 words) There are four (4) essay topics. The essay must respond to one of these topics. Each topic offers several texts that may be considered. For each topic, the essay MUST include at least one (1) text from Group A; the second text may come from Group A or Group B. You are not expected or encouraged to use any outside sources to aid your analysis. In the tutorial before the essay is due, bring two (2) hard copies of the essay draft for Peer Review. The draft is not graded; however, participation in the Peer Review will contribute toward the Class Participation grade. Resubmit the Peer Reviewed draft(s) with the Final version to ensure you receive credit for the Peer Review tutorial activity. Topic 1. Analyse, compare, and contrast the representation of “otherness” (i.e., the new, the alien, or the other) as presented in two (2) of the following works: Group A. The Time Machine; “The Machine Stops”; Brave New World Group B. “A Martian Odyssey”; “Robbie”; The Day the Earth Stood Still; 2001: A Space Odyssey Topic 2. Analyse, compare, and contrast the visions of the future in two (2) of the following works: Group A. The Time Machine; “The Machine Stops”; Brave New World; 2001: A Space Odyssey Group B. “Helen O’Loy”; “Robbie”; “That Only a Mother”; “The Cold Equations” Topic 3. Analyse, compare, and contrast the attitude toward science, scientists, and technology expressed in two (2) of the following works: Group A. From the Earth to the Moon; The Time Machine; “The Machine Stops”; Brave New World Group B. “Robbie”; “That Only a Mother”; The Day the Earth Stood Still; 2001: A Space Odyssey Topic 4. Analyse, compare, and contrast the representation of gender and gender roles in two (2) of the following works: Group A. “The Machine Stops”; Brave New World; The Day the Earth Stood Still Group B. The Time Machine; “Helen O’Loy”; “The Cold Equations”; “Robbie” Required essay mechanics: • MLA style (8th edition): including typed, double-spaced, 12-point font size text, with 1-inch margins on all sides, and identifying information and essay title on the first page; • begin your essay by formulating your thesis – then go on to justify your thesis with evidence from the chosen texts; • good writing style, including proper sentence and paragraph structure, proper grammar, punctuation, and organization. Your essay will be graded for spelling and style as well as content, so proofread carefully; • effective use of quotations and paraphrases used to support your thesis; they must be identified by specific parenthetical in-text citation according to the MLA style, inserted in the body of your essay; • include a Works Cited page with full bibliographic citations of the texts, using proper MLA style (8th edition)