Discussion: Child Poverty and Homelessness Child poverty and homelessness are two of the most complex problems faced by society today. Since 2000, the number of children living in poverty has increased from 11.6 million to 15 million. Today, over 20% of all children live in families with incomes below the federal poverty level. In addition, it is estimated that 1% to 2% of children are homeless, a number that has surged as a result of the recent global recession and the ensuing financial strain it has placed on many families. Because growing up in poverty increases children’s risks of suffering physical, cognitive, emotional, and social problems, reducing rates of child poverty is a priority. However, politicians and policymakers often disagree on causes and solutions to child poverty, sparking vigorous debate. In this Discussion, you will consider your own thoughts on how child poverty might be addressed. Reflect on the following: Based on what you have learned this week and your past experiences, what specific policies, initiatives, or programs do you think should be implemented to effectively reduce child poverty/homelessness and/or ameliorate its consequences? Consider at least three. How and to what extent should technology/media be used for educational purposes? For example, should teachers integrate technology as much as possible in their lessons? Should parents encourage children to study using educational software and the Internet? Or are more traditional learning methods preferable? Are there any policies, initiatives, or programs aimed at combating child poverty and/or homelessness with which you strongly disagree? Why? With these thoughts in mind, follow the instructions below to post your response to this Discussion topic. By Day 3 Post a description of at least three specific policies, initiatives, or programs that you think would reduce child poverty/homelessness or ameliorate its consequences. Explain briefly what each would involve and why you think it would be effective. In addition, explain at least one policy, initiative, or program that you do not think represents an effective solution to child poverty and/or homelessness. Be sure to cite the Learning Resources to support your thinking.