What are some examples from the book(Braiding Sweetgrass) that highlight the difference between Indigenous Philosophy and Western Science with respect to the natural vs. the supernatural worlds?

A long-standing difference in the worldview of Europeans, and those living in European settler societies, and the worldviews of Native Americans is that Native Americans traditionally viewed (and still view today) what most members of Western Industrialized societies would call the natural and supernatural worlds as one inseparable reality. In this essay you will write about this difference in worldview relying primarily on Kimmerer’s Braiding Sweetgrass. Other course material may be integrated into your response but you must rely primarily on the Kimmerer book. How does Kimmerer acknowledge this difference and what are some examples from the book of this difference in worldview? Please limit your use of direct quotes. Rephrase things in your own words instead of quoting directly from the book except for one or two short quotes to support your discussion.