Answer both essay questions . Each essay is worth 50 points. Exam: Total of 100 points Cut and paste the text into Canvas or upload MS Word doc. NO other formats will be accepted. Your answers should be detailed. Min of 750 words per essay. Use historical facts to support your answers. Your answers should include the who, what, when, where and how and then go beyond. Your essays should contain historical analysis of the facts. Be specific. Feel free to contact the Instructor with any questions. 1. Describe the unification of Germany and the formation of the German Empire. How did Germany unite? Describe the Wars of Germany unification? Describe the political, economic, social and cultural of the new Germany Empire? Who was Bismarck and why is he historically important? What was his role in Germany? Describe the role of Austria. What is Realpolitik? Explain in detail. 2. Describe the major events of World War One? The major battles (specifics and historical significance of each), military figures (on both sides and desсrіptions of each),Political figures on both sides and detailed desсrіptions of each, strategy of both sides (in detail). What is trench warfare and what role did it play in this war? What effect did the Russian Revolution have in the war? What advancements: medical, technological etc came out of the war? RUBRIC: 750 word min (20 points: 10 pts per essay) Must answer the questions in their entirety ( up to 40 points) Use specific historical details in the essay (names, dates, place, events etc) (up to 40 points)