The topic for this essay will be the possibilities for police enforcement in the various case studies listed below – presented in Chapters 8, 9, and 10 of Schlegel & Weisburd text – and also in the case studies presented in the form of the films and videos (Enron & Boiler Room). For example, in Chapter 8 of Schlegel & Weisburd text you are presented a case study of the SAVINGS & LOANS Violations. Discuss the role of police agencies in the enforcement of law enacted to regulate criminal behavior both as presented in the actual case and as possibilities that could have taken place, but did not. Include the material from the other case studies presented in Chapters 9 and 10 (The Space Shuttle Challenger Explosion and Compliance Practices in Shaping Regulatory Policy) of Schlegel & Weisburd text as well as films such as Enron and Boiler Room.