Treatment in waste water treatment plants

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City West Water has just announced that they have $20,000,000 to invest in greywater technologies. They want to use this money to institute an innovative program that demonstrates the viability and utility of greywater in an urban context. They are seeking proposals from councils in their catchment area to identify potential projects. Each proposal must include: matching funds from the council; a detailed design and strategy; and evaluation of the potential benefits to residents and to City West Water. Your company (group) has been contracted by one of these councils (to be assigned in tutorial) to help them learn about greywater and develop a proposal to submit to City West Water. The council is uncertain about greywater and how it could be used and has asked you to review critical aspects of this potential water resource: including what it is; how it can be treated and used; and the benefits and risks associated with its use.
Your brief is to research this topic and present a series of recommendations to the council about how it could meet the brief from City West Water. This assignment has two components: 1) a group component; and 2) an individual component. The overall assignment is worth 40% of your course mark with 20% each for the group and individual components.
Each group will consist of 4-6 members. As a team, you will write:
1) An introduction of about 1000-1200 words that will state the aims and objectives of your report and introduces greywater while citing relevant literature and identifying knowledge gaps. This section needs to include at least 10 references.
2) A site description of about 300-500 words that describes your assigned council.
3) A discussion of about 1000-1500 words that details your chosen strategy (or strategies) for using greywater in the council in the context of examples from other places where greywater has been shown to be either beneficial or not beneficial (as derived from the scientific literature). This section should report on how much water savings could be achieved by using greywater, how much it would cost, how quickly it could be implemented and how you would implement it.
4) A conclusion of about 200-300 words that summarises your findings, identifies any problems or uncertainties, and tells us what the next step would be if council was to proceed with your suggestions.
As an individual within the group (denoted by including your name and student # next to the relevant topic heading in the report) you will choose (in consultation with your group to avoid repetition) one aspect of greywater and write 1000-1500 words about this aspect. Topic areas you might consider include: domestic greywater treatment systems; environmental greywater treatment systems (e.g., wetlands); treatment in wastewater treatment plants; dual reticulation systems; greywater classes and uses; health issues and other risks; integrated water cycle management; and any other topic area that you find that might be of interest to a local council.
Each individuals section must include no fewer than eight references, no more than 25% of which may come from the grey literature.
The report needs to take the form of a professional scientific research report. This means it needs to include material derived from the scientific literature (journals, conferences and edited books that have undergone peer-review). The report as a whole should include at least 50 references with no more than 25% being from sources other than those listed above (e.g., grey literature government reports, text books). As this is a scientific report, web pages (which are unverifiable sources of opinion) are not valid references for this report. Note: online journal articles are not web pages—they are peer-reviewed papers that have been published online and, as such, are valid for inclusion in this project.
Note that for all word limits, references and Figure and Table headings do not count towards the word limit.
The format of the report must follow that provided in the formatting guidelines document.

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