Thinking About Restoration

Discussion Board Statement: These discussions are meant for you to jot down your thoughts and analyses of the works of the week. In art, everything is evaluated by your perspective. There is no right or wrong answer to be graded against; instead, you will be graded on how you defend your analysis of the art pieces and the use of the resources (when appropriate).
Consider a building like the ancient Roman Colosseum or the Pantheon. The history of these buildings is incredibly well-documented. Through drawings and written records, we know what the Pantheon looked like when it was new, and blue and gold paint adorned its ceiling. We know what the Colosseum looked like before it sustained significant damage in a 1349 earthquake.
Consider these two examples as you think about the roles of art preservationists and restorers. Then, select a different piece of art or architecture from this week’s reading to write about.
What is the best way to present this ancient piece of art?
What presentation will give today’s viewers the clearest and most honest picture of the past?
Should we present an old piece of art with no (or limited) restoration? Maintaining the integrity of the original artifact?
Should we use our contextual information about the piece to make it look as it did in its own time?
Should we restore to provide context but use a different material – allowing the viewer to easily distinguish between the hand of the ancient artist and that of the restorer?
How might our modern technologies help us create new solutions to this issue?