The Passover

Using Exodus 12 (the “Passover”) as your text, write an eight-page paper interpreting this passage using the three-step method of interpretation consistently employed by Dr. Pratt in the video lectures: 1) determine and explain the literary structure of the passage; 2) determine and explain the original meaning of the passage. This step includes both a discussion of the passage’s meaning within its immediate context, and a consideration of how Moses’s inclusion/arrangement of the material was intended to function for his original audience, the Israelites redeemed from Egypt and headed to the promised land; and 3) a discussion of modern application. This final step should follow Dr. Pratt’s specific approach to modern application closely, namely, identifying the ways in which the New Testament writers used themes/ideas/motifs, etc., in the Pentateuch to explain the significance of the inauguration, continuation, and consummation of Christ’s kingdom. See video lesson 2 (“A Perfect World”) for a detailed discussion and application of this threefold approach to interpretation.