The Impact of the Arab Spring on Ulema Authority in the MENA (Middle East & North Africa) region
15 minute presentation to students and lecturer.
The client requires speech notes.
1. The presentation needs to have explicit reference to the readings.
2. The presentation needs to allow for some engagement with the audience.
3. Font size, colouring need to be appropriate
4. Bibliography needs to be included
Please highlight 2 core readings that will be used in the presentation, the client would like to be notified of this in advance.
Harvard – standard
If those are the two most appropriate sources and would therefore be the two core texts they are fine to be used primarily, on the proviso that the Bibliography will illustrate more than 2 sources were consulted/referenced.
Requested Sources The attached sources.
In addition, please see below:
Ayubi, N. (1991) Political Islam: Religion and Politics in the Arab World (London and New York: Routledge), Chapter 1.
Feldman, N. (2008) The Fall and Rise of the Islamic State (Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press), Part 1.
Qureshi, J. (2012) ‘The Discourses of the Damascene Sunni Ulama during the 2011 Revolution’ in State and Islam in Baathist Syria: Confrontation or Co-Optation (St Andrews Papers on Contemporary Syria).
Robinson, F. (2013) ‘Strategies of Authority in Muslim South Asia in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries’, Modern Asian Studies 47/1, pp. 1-21.
Michot, Y. (2011) ‘Translation of the fatwa of Shaykh Yusuf al-Qaradawi against Gaddafi,’ Hartford Seminary, 15 March.
Zaman, M.Q. (2012) Modern Islamic Thought in a Radical Age (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press).
—————-. (2009) ‘The Ulama and Contestations on Religious Authority’ in M. K. Masud, A. Salvatore and M. van Bruinessen (eds.) Islam and Modernity: Key Issues and Debates (Edinburgh University Press), pp. 206-236.
Ajijola, A.A.D. (1998) ‘The Problem of ‘Ulama’,’ in C. Kurzman, (ed.) Liberal Islam: A Sourcebook (Oxford: Oxford University Press), pp. 239-243.
Asad, T. (2003) Genealogies of Religion: Discipline and Reasons of Power in Christianity and Islam (Baltimore: John Hopkins University Press).
Hellyer, H.A. (2011) ‘Religious Authority, Islam and Revolution,’ Huffington Post, 12th June. Available at:
Ibn Khaldun, ‘Abd al-Rahman Abu Zayd (2005) ‘Scholars are, of all people, those least familiar with the ways of politics,’ in F. Rosenthal (trans.) The Muqaddimah: An Introduction to History (Princeton and Oxford: Princeton University Press), Chapter 6, section 41.