Talent Management and Workforce Planning

Level5 Associate Diploma
5HR02: Talent Management and Workforce Planning All notes made in red are there to explaintheexpectationsfromeach assessmentcriteria.

Case study

‘RML Beverage Drinks’ is a drinks company based in the UK. They currently have a team of 150 employees and an annual turnover of £6 million. In the last fewyears, the company has fallen upon some difficult times. Market conditions and a drive for healthier drinks have resulted in more consumers rejecting fizzy drinks. The company has started to diversify its product offering but, in the meantime, has beenforcedtodownsize.TheManagingDirector(MD)ofthecompany has requested that you act as a consultant to the firm and help support the company in the following workforce planning and talent management initiatives. You will be generating materials formanagers on what is involved and howto undertake appropriate actions.

Preparation for theTasks:

▪Refer to the indicative content in the unit to guide and support yourevidence.

ACTION: You need toclearly mention the ACforeach question in the slides and the report
▪Pay attention to howyour evidence is presented, remember you are working in the People Practice Team for this task.

ACTION: Make reference to the RML case study wherever you can in the assignment.

Note: Submit your assignment as ONE MS Word file because other formats may have technical glitches on the LMS (eg: PDF or PowerPoint)

You will alsobenefit from:

▪Reflecting on your own experiences of learning opportunitiesand training and continuing professionaldevelopment.
ACTION: Use examples from professional practice or RML case study to enhance the answer.

▪Reading the CIPD Insight, Fact Sheets and related online material on these topics. ACTION: Include Harvard Style Referencing in each answer to score a high pass.

Don’t forget to:

Level5 Associate Diploma ▪

▪Use the bullet points beloweach task as headings and sub-headings so your marker can see where your answer begins.
ACTION: You need toclearly mention the ACforeach question in the slides and the manual.

Task One – Presentation Pack

NOTE: It is recommended that you create this presentation pack in the MS Word. The contents on the slide itself will not be marked;
ONLY the contents within your presenter notes will be assessed. This means that all the answers to AC should be covered within the presenter notes.

There are two reasons for this recommendation:
1) You have a maximum of 1100 words for Task 1. Pasting slides as images in the word document will save on your word count.
2) MS Word allows for better wordcount function as well as helps you in auto-generating Harvard References.

WORD COUNT: roughly each AC in Task 1 should be about 225-275 words (1000 words of Task 1 divided by 4 AC in this section +/- 10%)

The MD has asked you to prepare a presentation to the managers to position them around key contemporary labourmarket trends and theirsignificanceforworkforceplanning.This willalso cover turnover and retention trends and the factors that influence why people choose to leave or remain. The pack needs to include presentation slides and supporting notes.
The slides can be pasted as images. Focus your energy on writing comprehensive supporting notes.

The presentation must include:
▪an explanation on howorganisations strategically position themselves in competitive labour markets. (AC1.1)
Toanswer this, you need to:
Mention some ways in which organisation can position themselves to be competitive. (Eg: using Higgs model)

▪an explanation of the impact of changing labour market conditions on resourcingdecisions. (AC1.2)
There are two parts to this AC:

Level5 Associate Diploma
Explanation of the changes in the labour market, AND
Explanation of how these changes in the labour market have an impact of resourcing decision.
If you miss any one part, it will be an incomplete answer.

▪a discussion on the role of government, employers and trade unions in ensuring future skills needs are met. (AC1.3)

Divide this answer into three equal sections:
• Role of government in ensuring future skills needs are met. • Role of employers in ensuring future skills needs are met.
• Role of unions in ensuring future skills needs are met.
In the absence of unions in your country of work, you could also refer to the role of other professional bodies relevant to your industry.

▪an examination of turnover and retention trends and the factors that influence why people choose to leave or remain (AC3.1)
there are two parts to this answer:
Discuss a few turnover or retention trends. (These trends can be generalised market trends or something specific to your organisation or your industry)
Explain a few factors that influence why people leave
Explain a few factors that influence why people stay in a company.

It is essential that you refer to current labour market and turnover and retention trends / conditions to ensure that your work is contemporaryand relevant. Please ensure that any references and sources drawn uponare acknowledged correctly and supportedby abibliography.

Your evidence must consist of:
▪Slide deck (no more than 3 slides per assessment criteria)

▪Presenter notes (1,000 words)

Task Two – Inhouse Manual

For this task you need to create chapters for an inhouse manual for managers on what is involved in Talent Management and Workforce Planning and how to undertake appropriate actions. As your manual is being prepared for managers, it should be written in a professional format and style.

Your manual should have a title page, contents page and a brief introduction. Your manual should be broken down into chapters coveringthe following:
Notes on the format:
– Include a title page
– Include table of contents
– Include a brief introduction to the manual

Level5 Associate Diploma
– Use professional format and formal tone – Write in passive voice or third person
– The manual should be written in chapters with very clear AC marked for each question.
WORD COUNT: 240 – 280 words on each AC (2900 words divided by 11 ACs +/- 10%)

Chapter1 – Workforce Planning

▪an analysis of the impact of effective workforce planning. (AC2.1)

Begin bydescribingthe conceptof workforce planning
Analyse the impact of effective workforce planning by clearly describing how workforce planningis beneficial to the organisation.
▪an evaluation of the techniques used to support the process of workforce planning (AC 2.2)
Describe a few techniques (alteast two) that can be used during the workforce planning process.
Then, you need to evaluatethe pros and cons of each technique

▪explain approaches tosuccessionandcontingency planningaimedat mitigating workforce risks. (AC2.3)

Describe what is successionplanning and the approachesthat an organisationcan take for successionplanning
Explain how successionplanninghelps to mitigate workforce risk
Describe what is contingencyplanningandthe approachesthatan organisation cantake for successionplanning
Explain how contingencyplanninghelps to mitigateworkforce risk

▪assess the strengths and weaknesses of different methods of recruitment and selection to build effective workforces (AC2.4)
Choose TWO recruitment methods andassess thestrengths andweaknesses of each Choose TWO selection methods andassess the strengths andweaknesses of each

Chapter2 – Talent Management

▪compare different approaches to developing and retaining talent on an individual and group level. (AC3.2)

Choose different approaches (atleast two) thatcan betakento developandretaintalent in an organisation.
Then, compare thesimilarities anddifferencesbetweenthese approaches to retaintalent.

▪evaluate approaches that an organisation can take to build and support different talent pools. (AC3.3)

Choose differentapproaches(atleast two) that an organisationcan taketo BUILD/ SUPPORT talent pools
Then, evaluate the pros and cons of thesetwo approaches

Level5 Associate Diploma

▪evaluate the benefits of diversityin building and supporting talent pools (AC3.4)

Give a few benefits ofbuilding diversityinto talent pools Evaluate what happens if you don’t build in the diversity

▪explain the impact associated with dysfunctionalemployee turnover. (AC3.5) Begin bydiscussing what is dysfunctionalturnover
Explain the impactof the dysfunctional turnoveron the organisation

Chapter3 – Contractual Arrangements andOnboarding

▪Assess suitable types of contractualarrangements dependent on specific workforceneeds. (AC4.1)
Choose a few differenttypes of contractual arrangements
Assess when it is appropriateto havethesecontracts in line withthe workforceneeds of the organisation

▪Differentiate between the main types of contractualterms in contracts. (AC4.2) Choose differenttypes of contractual terms
Explain the differences betweenthis terms in more detail
Presenting thisanswerin a table mayhelp in differentiatingit clearly.

▪Explain the components and benefitsof effective onboarding. (AC4.3)

Explain the components of theonboarding process
Explain the benefits of effectiveonboarding to boththe organisation andthe employee

It is essentialthat you refer to academic concepts, theories and professionalpractice forthe tasks to ensure that your work is supported by analysis. Please ensure that any references and sources drawn upon are acknowledged correctly and supported by abibliography.

Your evidence must consist of: ▪Inhouse Manual(2,900 words)

Level Diploma

Overall mark

0 to 29

30 to 38

39 to 49

50 to 60

Unit result


Low Pass


High Pass


Mark Range


2 Low Pass

3 Pass


Insufficient demonstration of knowledge,understandingor skills (as appropriate) requiredto meet the AC.

Insufficient examples included, where required, to support answers.

Presentation and structure of assignment is not appropriate and does not meet the assessment brief.

Demonstrates an acceptable levelof knowledge, understanding or skills (as appropriate) required to meet the AC.

Sufficientandacceptableexamples included,whererequired,tosupport answers.

Required format adopted but some improvement required to the structure and presentation of the assignment.

Answers are acceptable but could be clearer in responding to the task and presented in amore coherent way.

Demonstrates good knowledge, understanding or skills (as appropriate) required to meet the AC.

Includes confident use of examples, where required, to support each answer.

Presentation and structure of assignment is appropriate for the assessment brief.

Answers are clear and wellexpressed.
Level Diploma

4 High Pass

Demonstrates a wide range and confident level of knowledge, understanding or skill(as appropriate).

Includes strong examples that illustrate the point being made, that link and support the answer well.

Answers are applied to the case organisation or an alternative organisation.

Answers are clear, concise and well argued, directly respond to what has been asked.

The presentation of the assignment is wellstructured, coherent and focusses on the need of the questions.

Includes clear evidence of theuse of references to widerreadingto help informanswer.