SWK 520 Duаl Rеlatiоnships Essaу Resolving ethical conflicts requires competence in tolerating ambiguity. In this assignment you will demonstrate this competence by examining the issue of dual relationships. You will also reflect on the guidance the SW Code of Ethics provides about how to address and avoid unnecessary dual relationships. Write a 3 page paper, double spaced. Be sure to review the grading rubric before you start writing so you include all the required components. This paper is to be written in APA format with appropriate running head, page numbering, title page (which does not count towards the length of the paper), headers/subheaders, academic citations and references for this paper. A minimum of two professional references are required. A. After reading all the material assigned related to this subject, provide in your own words, your understanding of “dual or multiple relationships.” What special challenges might exist in rural communities? B. Answer the following questions in your essay: 1. To what extent does a social worker go to assure the integrity of the professional relationship and avoid engaging in a dual/multiple relationship? 2. Whose responsibility is it to enforce the avoidance of dual/multiple relationships? 3. What does the SW Code of Ethics say that is most relevant for this subject matter? Be specific about which sections (note that this is plural which means there is more than one section that applies) of the code address this issue and your understanding of this. (Hint, you should mention specific numbers here but not just quote the code of ethics). 4. As a professional social worker, how will you tolerate ambiguity when resolving ethical conflicts such as dual relationships? What specific steps will you take to assist you with resolving ethical conflicts? NASW Code of Ethics Link: https://www.socialworkers.org/pubs/code/default.asp