Survey Research Plan


APA Project – Survey Research Plan
APA Project – Survey Research Plan


Effects of social media use on learning


The research population will be students of age 18-30 from different disciplines. Age is an inclusion criterion because students of this age group are more likely to use social media. Students of the age group between 18-30 would be selected from different facilities, and the purpose of the research would be explained to them.

Conceptual Definitions:

Social media: social media is the use of electronic devices for entertainment purposes. Social media is in the form of multiple applications such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, etc.

Learning: learning is a process that leads to change, occurs as a result of experience, and improves performance and future learning.


a. How many hours do you spend on social media every day?

b. What is the favorite social media platform you use using every day?

c. How often do you post on social media?

d. How many hours do you spend learning every day?

e. What type of pages have you liked on social media platforms?

f. Does social media contribute to learning? What kind of learning?


a. Using social media or not

b. For what purpose is social media being used, either for learning or for entertainment?

c. Number of hours spent on learning and social media

Operational Definitions:

Variable 1: using social media or not

Using social media ‘Yes’ or ‘No.’

Variable 2: the purpose of use of social media

Five-point scale from very good to poor.

Variable 3: number of hours spent on learning and social media

Hours per night


H1: Excessive use of social media negatively impacts learning.

H2: A balance between learning hours and social media use can improve learning.

H3: People who are using social media for learning purposes are more likely to be successful compared to those who use it for entertainment.