
Self-Assessment for Attendance and Contributions

An individual student’s class attendance and contributions has its own rubric and, consistent with developing management skills, each student is responsible for keeping data on their attendance and participation. At the end of the semester, each student posts their self-assessment score, supported by the data, according to the following rubric:

5 = attended all classes and contributed to the discussions in each class

4 = attended all classes and contributed to the discussions in most classes

3 = attended most classes and of those attended contributed in all of them

2 = attended most classes and of those attended contributed in most of them

1 = missed most classes

0 = missed all classes

Discuss / provide data to support your rationale for the score you determine for yourself. Without supporting evidence or with no posting of a self-assessment with evidence, the score for this component of the course is zero.

A clarification so there is no ambiguity, and a caution – attendance and contribution to the class and to each of individual student presentations are important elements in you ultimate grade for this course.