As a future sports practitioner, explain the implications and the ‘real’ meaning of marketing in the context of the sports industry. Show how the industry utilizes components of marketing theory and explore how it differentiates from selling.
The essay assessment is designed to give you the opportunity to research and explore in greater detail the areas of sports marketing that were covered within the lecture and seminar programme.
Within the essay you may wish to consider the below themes (Choose one theory to talk about it in the essay)
· Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning
· Product Decisions and Branding
· Marketing Communications
· The Marketing Environment
· Consumer and Organisational Buyer Behaviour
Marking Criteria
In addition to the standard marking criteria provided on the unit Moodle site particular attention will be focused on:
- The extent to which the main themes (above) are discussed and analysed
- Evidence of the depth in which a topic has been investigated (research beyond the lecture and seminar readings is highly recommended)
- The accuracy of the referencing
· Any further research, notes, illustrations or statistics that are relevant to the topic
The Learning Outcomes tested
1. Define marketing, selling and sports marketing
2. Link real world issues to sports marketing concepts
3. Prepare sports marketing strategies
Making use of your feedback
Please see comments in previously assessed Essay/Written Assessments in the below units
1. Sports Business Management
2. Managing People in Sports Organisations – Assessment 1 and 2
3. Sports Development Principles
4. Sports Event Organisation
5. Sports Event Management