Special Education Research Brief

Special education research brief
For this assignment, you will research and write a five to seven (5 – 7) page research
brief on a special education topic of your choice.
1. Identify a topic for your research brief. You may choose any topic that is
interesting to you and is related to the field of special education. Below is a list of
possible topics. There are many other topics that you might choose. In addition
to those listed below, you could identify topics introduced in the course textbook,
in course readings, or through outside readings or your own experiences.
a. Disproportionate representation in special education
b. Suspension and expulsion policies and practices for students with disabilities
c. Parental engagement in special education
d. The role of general educators in IEP development
e. Co-teaching models
f. Response-to-intervention models
g. Transition planning and supports to help students with disabilities prepare for and
access post-secondary education and employment
h. Positive behavioral supports
i. Reading intervention programs
j. Instructional strategies for students with disabilities related to specific content
areas (e.g., mathematics instruction)
k. Instructional strategies or assessments related to specific areas of disability (e.g.,
instructional strategies for students with autism spectrum disorders)
l. Bullying
m. Social skills training and supports
n. Assistive technology for students with disabilities
2. Your research brief should address three to five (3 to 5) peer-reviewed
journal articles. There is a wide variety of journals available through the
electronic journal resources. Some possible journals include:
a. Behavioral Disorders
b. Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities
c. Education and Treatment of Children
d. Exceptional Children
e. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
f. Journal of Learning Disabilities
g. Journal of Special Education
h. Journal of Special Education Technology
i. Learning Disabilities Research and Practice
j. Learning Disability Quarterly
k. Remedial and Special Education
l. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities
m. Research in Developmental Disabilities
n. Teaching Exceptional Children
3. Your research brief should include the following information:
a. A statement of the topic and the reason that you selected this topic;
b. Summary of the key information/findings/viewpoints presented in the journal
c. The ways that the information addressed in the articles is relevant to your future
teaching practice and/or the larger context of education policy and practice
impacting students with disabilities;
d. Any personal impressions or questions you have regarding the information
presented in the articles; and
e. A list of references.