SOCW Role Play Script

Using the Role Play Script Template provided in the week 5 resources, provide a description of the role-play and a draft of your script. 


Submit the Role Play Script, which should include:

Your role play script should include:

  • A description of the fictional agency setting and types of services provided at this agency.
  • A description of the client system (depending on the client level you selected—micro, mezzo or macro).
  • An explanation of the presenting concern
  • A description of the client session scene
  • Identification of possible practice skills you may use for working with this client system
  • A draft script which outlines a scene that includes:
    • Greeting the client (for the first time)
    • Demonstrating effective attending skills
    • Discussing agency services and client expectations
    • Deciding if the agency and worker can help
    • Offering agency and worker services to the client
    • Orienting the client to the helping process, including:
      • A discussion of confidentiality
      • A discussion of social work intern’s role



Kirst-Ashman, K. K., &  Hull, G. H., Jr. (2018). Understanding generalist practice (8th  ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage Learning.

  • Chapter 4, “Skills for Working with Organizations and Communities” (pp. 138-174)
  • Chapter 5, “Engagement and Assessment in Generalist Practice” (pp. 175-222)

 Knee, R. T., & Folsom, J. (2012). Bridging the crevasse between direct practice social work and management by increasing the transferability of core skills. Administration in Social Work, 36(4), 390–408.