In this assignment, you will discuss how the imbalance of power creates or sustains systemic issues by examining one of the topics below. In so doing, you will examine the ethical, legal, and political implications of inequality and inequity at a societal level. This will increase your awareness of how social intelligence can help leaders make fairer decisions for society. You can also apply this learning to your personal decision-making process, to make choices that benefit the people you interact with every day.
Select one of the topics listed in the Topics section below.
Read the articles provided for that topic.
Topic 1: Inequality in the Workforce.
The US Economy Lost 140,000 Jobs in December. All of Them Were Held by Women.
5 Years of Leaning in.
Topic 2: Sanctions Against Released Inmates.
From Prisons to Communities: Confronting Re-entry Challenges and Social Inequality.
Locked up to locked out: Recently Released Prisoners Face Unprecedented Challenges Amid Coronavirus Crisis.
Topic 3: Public Restrooms
3 Myths That Shape the Transgender Bathroom Debate.
Federal Court Rules That Transgender Students Must be Allowed to Use Bathrooms That Match Their Gender.